they不是主语吗?为什么会出现do they 什么的?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:04:29

they不是主语吗?为什么会出现do they 什么的?
they不是主语吗?为什么会出现do they 什么的?

they不是主语吗?为什么会出现do they 什么的?
they可以作主语,do they 一般是疑问句中,将助动词do提前




they不是主语吗?为什么会出现do they 什么的? They don't have_______homework to do today.1为什么为什么!家庭作业不是不可数吗? how do you do?为什么会出现两个do?可以说what do they do?或why does he do? 关于question tag.They‘ve already read the news,aren't they?为什么不是 have they?We have hardly any water left,do we?为什么不是 have we? What do they do on主语是什么 定语从句do you know the reason why he didn't come?为什么可以用why?从句后he是主语,didn't come是谓语,不是缺宾语吗?那怎么还可以用why when do they leave 为什么不用does可是they 不是第三人称吗?为什么复数就用do? 反义疑问句用法Everyone is here,反义疑问句是isn't he?还是aren't they?陈述句主语是everyone时 反义疑问句的主语不是要用they吗? I don't think these are made of real silk,are they?为什么是这的?不是do 为什么为什么I don't think 不是主句? 为什么书本里面出现intend for sb to do sth这种用法?even if they don't intend for us to catch their unspoken communication不应该是intend sb to do sth吗 英语语法 Not everyone likes everyone else,do they?为什么是do they,前面不是likes吗为什么用LIKES? many of your classmates dislike having to stay up late doing thei lessons,(don't they)为什么为什么不是do they? 当动词start的主语为物时,应该用start to do sth.而不能用start doing sth.但书上出现了这样一句话:it started raining.天开始下雨了.这个主语不是物吗?为什么用了第二种句式? What terrible news! 为什么不是How terrible news!terrible不是形容词吗?感叹句结构:what+(a/an)+adj+n+(主语+谓语) How+adj/adv+(主语+谓语) 相比较两个不是都可以吗?真是的!~谁能帮我啊! 帮了我 我会say t They must be there now,aren't they?这里为什么不是mustn't they而是aren't they? 这个句子为什么缺少主语?____________by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience.(Being misunderstood)这个句子主语不是you吗?为什么没有主语,所以要用Being misunderstood sometimes parents want their children to do ___they can't do themselvesA that fhey feel B what they feel C what they feel that D they feel what为什么不能选C,what they feel 不是sth吗,不能用that引导定从修饰吗? 一道简单的英语题..在线等------is no chance that they will.A.ItB.There为什么不选A,它不是主语从句吗?为什么不是主语从句