我的语法对么I do not trust the fate,slso will not just be passenger A in your life.Even if do not undersdand all of u,at least I will always stay by your side 我写的句子

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:38:59

我的语法对么I do not trust the fate,slso will not just be passenger A in your life.Even if do not undersdand all of u,at least I will always stay by your side 我写的句子
我的语法对么I do not trust the fate,slso will not just be passenger A in your life.Even if do not undersdand all of u,at least I will always stay by your side 我写的句子

我的语法对么I do not trust the fate,slso will not just be passenger A in your life.Even if do not undersdand all of u,at least I will always stay by your side 我写的句子
1、trust是信任,意思不对,believe in fate才是相信命运.
3、will not意思不对,用一般现在时(将来不当过客,现在就可以当?),最好加上want
5、Even if是连词,要加主语
6、do not understand不能用一般现在时,用现在完成时表达“现在还不理解”
7、understand也不是“了解”的意思,not understand you一般用来形容没听懂对方在说什么
8、at least用着太傻了,它有“反正”,在这里就变成了“我不懂,反正我要呆在你旁边”
9、如果你不是要表达“我支持你”,就不要用by your side
I don‘t believe in the Fate,and also I don't wanna be someone who just crossed your life.Even if I haven't known you much,I am always willing to be with you.

我的语法对么I do not trust the fate,slso will not just be passenger A in your life.Even if do not undersdand all of u,at least I will always stay by your side 我写的句子 Trust each other,not I do not want to trust,in fact,is not worthy of my trust.求翻译. I love you Why You Do not Know My Why do not you trust me I said I'll wait f上面的意思是什么? 谁能说下 英语书信中trust的用法咨询.我在给一位外国友人的信中说,等他来中国后要去他下榻的酒店去看他,并询问他我能为他做点什么,他的回复为:“No thanks, i do not need anything, and trust I am not putting an 谁知道这句英文的意思?“Sure enough,one day I have done something wrong,do not blame me,do not ignore me,you must trust me.OK but I'm not sure I can do...这话对么?但是我不敢肯定(不确定)我能做到 在线英语老师 急阿 帮我整改下句子的语法 看看有没错 you must trust ,i can do it well!就是这个句子.trust 是n 我朋友说句子里没有谓语,希望有错的大家帮忙改下 I always miss you 是我经常想你的意思么语法对么 Whatever you say,I won not trust you的同义句--------- --------- ---------- you say,I won not trust you 谁能帮我解析一下这个句子的语法:Were it not for him,i would not be able to speak English as well as i do now. I trust you.I trust you,friend!我在向证明我的一个朋友。 英语翻译not that I have not seen you do the impossible.I have not.这句我明白,Not that i 语法? what do they do in school every day 这个语法对么?我这没有分了.. does he not like music?语法对么 有人 问我 do you love me?我回答 yes i do.对么?我不会英语的. i am not i do not 区别i am not agree with youi do not agree with you区别 语法上的区别i am noti do not 用法 还没说呢 I need a few friends to trust.to trust 的用法是?I need a few friends to trust.(2)to trust 在这个句子中的用法(语法上的)是什么? I do that because I can not choose others 这句话对么?