
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 10:42:40

1、这个问题对我来说太难了而不能把它做出来(用too...to...表达)2.这个问题对我来说才难了以至于我不能把它做出来(用so...that表达)3.这个问题对我来说足够简单把它做出来(用not easy enough表达)急啊!
说错了!是中文翻译英文!问题是problem 做出来是work

the problem is too difficult for me to work it out.
2.the problem is so difficult that i can't work it out.
3..the problem is not easy enough for me to work it out.

this question is too hard for me to solve it
this question is so difficult that I cant make it out
this question is not easy enough for me to make it out

1 this question is too difficult for me to solve it.
2 this question is so difficult that i can not solve it.
3 as for me, this question is not easy enough to be solved.

1. This problem is too difficult for me to solve.
2. This problem is so difficult for me that I can't solve.
3. This problem is not easy enough for me to solve.

This question is too difficult for me to work it out。
This question is so difficult that I can not work it out...


This question is too difficult for me to work it out。
This question is so difficult that I can not work it out。
3.这个问题对我来说足够简单把它做出来(用not easy enough表达)
This question is not easy enough for me to work it out。


1、 This question is too hard to solve.
2、 This question is so hard that I can't solve it.
3、 This question is easy enough for me to solve it

英语翻译1、这个问题对我来说太难了而不能把它做出来(用too...to...表达)2.这个问题对我来说才难了以至于我不能把它做出来(用so...that表达)3.这个问题对我来说足够简单把它做出来(用no 英语翻译翻译:这个问题对我来说有点难 英语翻译:这时间对我来说太紧了点 “这双鞋对我来说太小了”的英语翻译是什么? 英语翻译还有``顺便翻译一下:这件工作对我来说太难了.我不能在5天之内完成. 做早操对我来说太难了的英文翻译, 当时的五毛钱对我来说太有诱惑力了 英语翻译 这个问题对我来说有点难的英语怎么写 英语翻译1 你太瘦了,要是胖一点就好了2 我想胖一点,因为好多人说我 太瘦了3 她个子很高,就是有点胖4 这件事 对我来说很困难,对她来说却非常容易5 对我来说很困难,对她来说却非常容易6 刚 “简不喜欢数学,因为对她来说太难了”用英语翻译 这个颜色对我来说太深了.英文翻译, 3英里对我来说太远了 英文 英语:对我来说,太糟了.怎么说?用terrible. 英语翻译这次考试对他来说太难了 你怎么样?英语振作起来,我确信我们能取得高分.(get good marks) 怎样把作文写得很好?呜呜,作文太难了对我来说还好, 这项工作对我来说太难了.The work is____ ___ ___ ____. 如何做好语文的阅读主题题呢?对我来说太难了. 棒球对我们来说太难了.【用英语怎么说】