conservation of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:26:40

conservation of
conservation of

conservation of
conservation of mass
[物] 质量守恒;质量守恒定律
The teacher said, everything is a conservation of mass.


conservation of law of conservation of energy是什么意思 law of conservation of energy是什么意思 新西兰的Department of Conservation 中文译名是啥? conservation是什么意思 conservation是什么意思 Conservation is of the utmost importance能把of去掉么?这个词在这是什么用处? 谁有中文翻译啊谁有《Modeling soil conservation, water conservation and their tradeoffs: A case study in Beijing.Journal of Environmental Sciences》中文翻译啊 Influence of Energy Conservation Measures on IEQ in Specific Buildings 这句话怎么翻译比较完美? conservation of water is of great importance in desert areas 为什么is后面还要加上of呢? 这个谁会what are the concerns that could arise over conservation of natural resources and access towhat are the concerns that could arise over conservation of natural resources and access to protected areas if protected area of protected area man 后面那句话为什么不对?Because billions of tons of coal are yet to be mined,some argue that coal conservation measures are unnecessary.With billions of tons yet to be mined,some argue that coal conservation measures are unnecessary. Phenolphthalein 和Hydronium 遇酸、碱变什么色 oxidation half reaction和reduction half reaction和conservation of mass and When Φ is unity,the equation represents the conservation of mass此句中的unity什么意思 Much importance should be ____ to the conservation of the endangered animals.a、attachedb、acquiredc、affordedd、awarded conservation-tests是什么意思 conservation什么意思 conservation的意思