
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:55:29


( A )
  A:Hello!Could I speak to the headmaster,please?
  B:Hold on for a moment,please.I'm sorry he isn't here by now.may I help you?
  A:That's very kind of you,but I want to speak to him about my son,Jim Green.I would like to meet him as soon as possible,please.
  B:Are you free later today,Mr.Green?
  A:Sorry.I'm free every day except today.
  B:Are you able to come here tomorrow?
  A:I think so.What time?
  B:Between 8:30 and 9:00.
  A:I think so.Yes,I think that would be fine.
  B:I'll leave a message on his desk.
  A:Thank you very much.Goodbye!
  ( B )
  A:What would you like playing,volleyball or basketball?
  B:Neither.I like football.
  A:I like playing football,too.Let's go to play football sometime,shall we?
  B:OK.I'm very glad to.
  A:When shall we go,this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon?
  B:I'm going to waitch a football match of World Cup on TV.
  A:I hear you are going to see your grandmother.
  B:Yes.But the match is so important that I can't miss it.
  ( C)
  A:Can Ihelp you?Would you like something to it?What about some cakes?
  B:No,thanks.I think I'd like some bread.
  A:Would you like something to drink?
  B:A cup of coffee,please.
  A:With sugar?
  A:Some bore bread?
  B:No.the bread is delicious,but I can't eat any more.Thank you.
  ( D )
  A:Excuse me,please.Could you tell me how to get to the East Street Hospital?
  B:Go up this street till you see the second traffic lights.Turn right and you'll see the hospital at the eng of the road.
  A:How far is it?
  B:About three kilometers.It'll take you about half an hour.But you'd better catch a bus.
  A:Which bus shall I take?
  B:The Number 2 bus will take you there.
  A:Thanks a lot.
  B:You're welcome.
  ( E )
  A:Good afternoon!Sit down,please.What's wrong with you?
  B:Good afternoon ,Doctor.I have got a headache.
  A:Have you taken your temperature?
  B:Yes,I have.It's a bit higher.
  A:Jack,open your mouth and say “Ahh”.
  B:Ahh…A.It's nothing serious .You just have a cold.
  A:I've got a fever,too.
  B:How long have you been like this?
  A:Since this morning.Do I have to lie in bed?
  B:No,take this medicine and you'll be all right soon.
  A:Thank you very much,Doctor.Good-bye.

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