英语选择题10个求教求教!1.The bridge was named __ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A after B with C by D from2.There were no tickets __ for Friday’s performance.A preferable B considerable C possible D available3.__ t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 07:28:56

英语选择题10个求教求教!1.The bridge was named __ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A after B with C by D from2.There were no tickets __ for Friday’s performance.A preferable B considerable C possible D available3.__ t
1.The bridge was named __ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A after B with C by D from
2.There were no tickets __ for Friday’s performance.
A preferable B considerable C possible D available
3.__ the Revolutionary War,the United States was an English colony.
A Inferior to B Superior to C Prior to D Preferable to
4.Cancer is second only __ heart disease as a cause of death.
A of B to C with D from
5.It wasn't such a good dinner __ she had promised us.
A that B which C as D what
6.American women were __ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.
A ignored B neglected C refused D denied
7.They decided to chase the cow away __ it did more damage.
A unless B until C before D although
8.__ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.
A Each B Any C Either D One
9.The medicine is on sale everywhere.You can get it at __ chemist’s.
A each B some C any D certain
10.All __ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.
A what is needed B for our needs C the thing needed D that is needed

英语选择题10个求教求教!1.The bridge was named __ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A after B with C by D from2.There were no tickets __ for Friday’s performance.A preferable B considerable C possible D available3.__ t
1 A.be named after是固定词组,由.的名字命名的意思.句意:这座桥是由那个把生命献给了人民事业的英雄的名字命名的.
2 D.available意思是可用的.A是让人更喜欢的;B是相当大的,值得考虑的;C是可能的.根据句意,应该选D.
3 C.意思是在.之前.句意:在独立战争前,美国只是英国的一个殖民地.A是比.低级;B是比.高级;D是更喜欢.
4 B.be second to 固定短语,意思是仅次于.句意:癌症作为令人死亡的原因是仅次于心脏病的.
5 C.such.as.是固定用法,像.一样的.句意:这并不是一顿像她许诺我们的那样的好饭.
6 C.refuse sb sth.拒绝某人某事,这里只有refuse可以接双宾语.
7 C.他们决定在这头牛还没有造成更大上海前把它赶走.根据句意应该选C.
8 B.句意:任何稍有常识的学生都应该能回答这个问题.根据句意选C.
9 C.这种药到处都有卖,你在任何一家药店都能买到.根据句意选C.
10 D.all在这里是代词作主语,所以这是一个定语从句.所以用that来引导.