Desperate housewives Season 4,Episode 01We find out that Edie's "suicide attempt" was actually carefully staged for Carlos to catch her in the nick of time and that she's been hanging onto the beam until she hears him arrive.She's already let go when

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:11:47

Desperate housewives Season 4,Episode 01We find out that Edie's "suicide attempt" was actually carefully staged for Carlos to catch her in the nick of time and that she's been hanging onto the beam until she hears him arrive.She's already let go when
Desperate housewives Season 4,Episode 01
We find out that Edie's "suicide attempt" was actually carefully staged for Carlos to catch her in the nick of time and that she's been hanging onto the beam until she hears him arrive.She's already let go when Mrs.McCluskey calls him back outside,insisting he move his garbage cans this minute.Fortunately,Mrs.McCluskey spies a dangling Edie through the window and Carlos rushes to save her -- just in time,as she'd planned.

Desperate housewives Season 4,Episode 01We find out that Edie's "suicide attempt" was actually carefully staged for Carlos to catch her in the nick of time and that she's been hanging onto the beam until she hears him arrive.She's already let go when
We find out that Edie's "suicide attempt" was actually carefully staged for Carlos to catch her in the nick of time and that she's been hanging onto the beam until she hears him arrive.She's already let go when Mrs.McCluskey calls him back outside,insisting he move his garbage cans this minute.Fortunately,Mrs.McCluskey spies a dangling Edie through the window and Carlos rushes to save her -- just in time,as she'd planned.
At the hospital,Carlos assures her friends that Edie is fine.They wonder if they should bother Gabrielle on her wedding night and Carlos looks stricken and runs off.
After Gabrielle's wedding and her hookup with Carlos,the two of them had arranged to run away and now she's packed her bags and is waiting for his call.Carlos tells her he can't leave Edie when she's in the hospital and that their plan will have to wait a few weeks.She angrily informs him she'd rather try to it make work with Victor and hangs up.
The next day,she's alarmed to find Victor showing a realtor around her house and insists she's not ready to sell it yet.
Susan is convinced that after a month of wedded bliss,Mike just isn't as happy as he could be,but he assures her he's perfectly happy.
All of Wisteria Lane gathers to see who the new neighbors are and Susan is thrilled to see it's her old friend,Catherine Mayfair.
Orson chides Bree,who's still pretending to be pregnant,that she has to stop "roughing up" everyone who wants to touch her stomach for good luck.
Susan goes to see her doctor about her irregular periods and is informed he's busy,would she mind being seen by his new partner?She agrees,but is taken aback when she realizes it's Dr.Adam Mayfair,Catherine's husband,whom she just met the day before.She reluctantly submits to an exam.He hints that she might be experiencing signs of menopause and wants her to take a blood test to be sure.She declares she's not nearly old enough for that yet.That is,until she sees that he just graduated from med school 10 years ago,and she agrees to take the test.
At Catherine's housewarming party,she tells Mrs.McCluskey that her best times were when she lived on Wisteria Lane with her first husband,Bill,but Mrs.McCluskey remembers how they took off in the middle of the night without saying goodbye.
Still moody from her visit to the doctor,Susan bursts into tears and confesses her possible diagnosis to Mike,who assures her that it doesn't make any difference to him since they'd already agreed not to have children.
At the party,a distracted Bree doesn't realize that she's accidentally gotten a large fork stuck in her fake belly!A neighbor notices and thinks that the barbecue sauce is blood.Orson,thinking fast,says that it's a trick fork they purchased at a magic shop and sticks it back into her belly to prove it's harmless!After this near-miss,Orson wants to end the whole charade,but Bree tells him they can't turn back now.She messed up with Danielle and she wants a second chance to raise a child right.
Lynette is keeping her cancer a secret and trying to live her life as usual,but when another mother hounds her about not doing her share for a school gala,she has no choice but to take off her wig and declare,"I have cancer." Now that all her friends have seen her bald head,she reassures them that she's not going to die.They scold her for not telling them sooner and she proposes a pact,"No more secrets.From now on,we tell each other every shocking detail of our lives." They all make the same promise,but no one else comes clean.
Edie gets out of the hospital and announces that she and Carlos are talking marriage.Gaby is upset at this news and Carlos swears it's not true but she doesn't believe him.
Gabrielle suggests that she and Victor go away together for a few weeks and rediscover what made them fall in love,but he can't free up any time in his schedule until April.
Carlos tells Edie he's going to the Scavos and when she asks to come,he says she needs to give him some time alone if their relationship is going to work.Of course,he's really sneaking off to see Gabrielle.
Edie finds him asleep on the couch in the morning and he says he got in late and didn't want to wake her.She says she trusts him and she just wishes that he'd trust her more,like telling her about his offshore bank account with $10 million.The threat is clear:She'll turn him in if he ever leaves her.
Adam goes over to Susan's house to tell her the good news.She's not going through menopause -- in fact,she's pregnant!Mike overhears and sweeps her up in his arms.He tells her he's never been happier.
Julie is troubled by the fact that Dylan,Catherine's daughter,who was her childhood best friend,doesn't remember her or anything else about Wisteria Lane.When Julie asks her what her first memory is,she says it's a "creepy dream" about having a guy in her bedroom who tried to grab her.Julie asks if she's ever talked to anyone about it,but Dylan says Catherine discouraged her.Julie tells her mother that Dylan is not the same girl she knew.
Adam finds Catherine brooding in the room that Dylan wants for her own.Adam assures her that even if Catherine remembers what happened there,Dylan won't.Catherine says she won't allow it.Adam asks if they made a mistake coming back and she answers,"Did we have a choice?"


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