求 希特勒的一段话 英文不需要让青少年有判断力和批判力.只要给他们汽车、摩托车、美丽的明星、刺激的音乐、流行的服饰,以及对同伴的竞争意识就行了.剥夺青少年的思考力,根植他们服

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:37:35

求 希特勒的一段话 英文不需要让青少年有判断力和批判力.只要给他们汽车、摩托车、美丽的明星、刺激的音乐、流行的服饰,以及对同伴的竞争意识就行了.剥夺青少年的思考力,根植他们服
求 希特勒的一段话 英文

求 希特勒的一段话 英文不需要让青少年有判断力和批判力.只要给他们汽车、摩托车、美丽的明星、刺激的音乐、流行的服饰,以及对同伴的竞争意识就行了.剥夺青少年的思考力,根植他们服

Do not need to give young people the sense and ability to think critically. Just give them cars, motorcycles, beautiful star, exciting music, popular costumes, as well as companions sense of competiti...


Do not need to give young people the sense and ability to think critically. Just give them cars, motorcycles, beautiful star, exciting music, popular costumes, as well as companions sense of competition on the list. Deprived young people's thinking ability, rooted in their obedience instructors heart is the best way to obey orders.
So that they may criticize the state, society and guidance to those who hold a kind of primitive animal-like hatred. So that they believe it was a minority and the heresy of those crimes. Let them have the same thoughts. Ideas and we let them believe that different people are enemies of the state ... ...
- Adolf Hitler "


So that they may criticize the state, society and guidance to those who hold a kind of primitive animal-like hatred. So that they believe it was a minority and the heresy of those crimes. Let them have the same thoughts. Ideas and we let them believe that different people are enemies of the state ... ...

Do not need to give young people the sense and ability to think critically. Just give them cars, motorcycles, beautiful star, exciting music, popular costumes, as well as companions sense of ...


Do not need to give young people the sense and ability to think critically. Just give them cars, motorcycles, beautiful star, exciting music, popular costumes, as well as companions sense of competition on the list. Deprived young people's thinking ability, rooted in their obedience instructors heart is the best way to obey orders.
So that they may criticize the state, society and guidance to those who hold a kind of primitive animal-like hatred. So that they believe it was a minority and the heresy of those crimes. Let them have the same thoughts. Ideas and we let them believe that different people are enemies of the state ... ...
- Adolf Hitler
Brauchen nicht den jungen Menschen die Sinne und die Fähigkeit, kritisch zu denken. Gib ihnen Autos, Motorräder, schöner Stern, spannende Musik, Volkstrachten, sowie als Begleiter Sinne des Wettbewerbs auf der Liste. Denken benachteiligten jungen Menschen die Fähigkeit, in ihrem Gehorsam Ausbilder Herzen verwurzelt ist der beste Weg, Befehlen zu gehorchen.
Damit können sie den Staat, die Gesellschaft zu kritisieren und Beratung für diejenigen, die eine Art primitives Tier-wie Haß zu halten. So dass sie glaube, es war eine Minderheit und die Häresie der diese Verbrechen. Lassen Sie haben die gleichen Gedanken. Ideen und wir lassen ihnen glauben, dass unterschiedliche Menschen Feinde des Staates sind ... ...
- Adolf Hitler
若い人たちの感覚と能力を批判的に考えるに与えるために必要としないでください。単に自动车、オートバイ、美しいスター、エキサイティングな音楽、人気の衣装だけでなく、リスト上の竞争の仲间感を与える。 、彼らの服従を指导部に根ざした若い人たちの思考能力を夺わに命令に従うの最良の方法です。
だからそれらの人原始的な动物の一种の憎悪のように保持するために国家、社会の指导を批判することがあります。だから彼らは、少数民族と、これらの犯罪の异端だったと思う。それらは、同じ考えを持ってみましょう。アイデアと我々は彼らは、さまざまな人々は国家の敌がいると信じて闻かせ... ...
- アドルフヒトラー
Non è necessario dare ai giovani il senso e la capacità di pensare criticamente. Solo dare loro auto, moto, bella stella, musiche coinvolgenti, costumi popolari, così come compagni il senso della concorrenza nella lista. Privati la capacità di pensare dei giovani, radicati nel loro cuore istruttori obbedienza è il modo migliore per obbedire agli ordini.
In modo che possano criticare lo stato, la società e la guida di coloro che detengono una specie di animale primitivo come l'odio. In modo che essi ritengono che sia stata una minoranza e l'eresia di tali crimini. Lasciate che hanno gli stessi pensieri. Idee e li lasciamo credere che diverse persone sono nemici dello stato ... ...
- Adolf Hitler
