帮看下 thanks!1.胡子工程:long-drawn-out project.long-drawn-out是什么东西,怎么弄出来的?门前三包:be responsible for general sanitation ,green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 13:31:33

帮看下 thanks!1.胡子工程:long-drawn-out project.long-drawn-out是什么东西,怎么弄出来的?门前三包:be responsible for general sanitation ,green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building.
帮看下 thanks!
1.胡子工程:long-drawn-out project.long-drawn-out是什么东西,怎么弄出来的?
门前三包:be responsible for general sanitation ,green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building.中cover为什么要加ing?unit该如何理解,去掉可以吗?
科技成果转化为生产力:transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces.中的of是什么成分?为什么要加of?transfer是及物动词还是不及物动词?
2.弘扬科学精神,普及科学知识:promote the scientific spirit and spread scientific knowledge.为什么第一个scientific前有the,而第二个scientific前面却没有the?
事关国计民生和国家安全的核心关键技术:core technologies crucial to the economy,the people‘s wellbeing and national security.中to是根据什么选用的,为什么不用for而用to?还有the economy和people‘s wellbeing前面都有the,但national security前面为什么没有the?
3.Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.为什么不用are而用constitute?science and technology难道不应该看作一个整体,
科技与经济脱节:Science and technology are too far removed from the economy.too 和far分别是什么词性,修饰什么?science需要大写吗,书上用大写了,但第二个句子中的promote却没有大写,why?
Establish a market-oriented system for technological innovation,(in which) enterprises play the leading role and( which) combines the efforts of enterprises,universities and research institute.为什么第一个括号内用in which而第二个用which,如果自己填,如何填出第一个空的in which?
最后的 institute只修饰research,还是修饰enterprises,universities and research?如何判断的?
5.德智体美劳全面发展:All-around development of moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labour education.为什么德智体都用的adj,而美和劳变成名词了?
社会力量办学:running of schools by nongovernmental sectors.中的of是什么成分?为什么要加of?

帮看下 thanks!1.胡子工程:long-drawn-out project.long-drawn-out是什么东西,怎么弄出来的?门前三包:be responsible for general sanitation ,green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building.

胡子工程:long-drawn-out project.long-drawn-out是一个 合成词 意思是 持续很久的,拖长的; 其实 这是draw的过去分词 加上了自己的修饰成分  相当于一个形容词 

draw 是 拖、拉  的意思    

被拖拉好久 才 出来 的 工程
门前三包: be responsible for general sanitation , green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building.中cover加ing因为是表示动作的名词 

unit是 单元  ,去掉不可以  
科技成果转化为生产力:transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces.这是一个名词词组 transfer是名词  of是介词 介词短语修饰 名词transfer

意思就是 科技成果 的转化 进入到生产力 

也就是 成为生产力的 科技成果 的转化

2.弘扬科学精神,普及科学知识:promote the scientific spirit and spread scientific knowledge.第一个scientific前有the,是因为 spirit是可数名词  是特指

而第二个scientific前面没有the 是因为把 scientific knowledge看做不可数名词 泛指  所以不加the 

事关国计民生和国家安全的核心关键技术:core technologies crucial to the economy,the people‘s wellbeing and national security.中 crucial to.是形容词短语 作后置定语 to介词短语作形容词的状语  是根据意思选用的,

道理 就像 he is good to me .与 smoking isn't good for your health 的道理一样 

再如 . be crucial to  对…至关重要
    如:A growing economy and a focus on essential priorities will also be crucial to the future of Social Security .  经济发展和重点集中 也对社会福利保险的未来至关重要.
 be crucial for sth 对某事来说重要
  如:This year will be crucial for efforts to attain this goal . 今年是实现这个目标的关键一年.
还有the economy和people‘s wellbeing前面都有the  表示特指 即中国的,而national security是泛指的一个 抽象名词 所以不加the 
3.Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.不用are而用constitute是因为意思不一样 

science and technology不应该看作一个整体,因为 科学 与 技术 是两个概念 

如果去掉 and   则可以用三单

科技与经济脱节:Science and technology are too far removed from the economy.too 和far都是副词  too修饰far . too far 修饰 removed from the economy 

science一般不需要大写  除非 句子开头
Establish a market-oriented system for technological innovation,(in which) enterprises play the leading role and( which) combines the efforts of enterprises,universities and research institute.第一个括号内用in which因为是定从中的状语 

而第二个用which,是因为 是定从中的主语 
最后的 institute不是修饰research,而是 research修饰 institute(应该是 复数institutes) 

research institutes 是与前面名词并列的名词  研究所

5.德智体美劳全面发展:All-around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education.德智体adj,和美和劳名词  分别 作定语 修饰名词education

指 包括5个方面 的education 

社会力量办学:running of schools by nongovernmental sectors.中的of短语是定语 

因为这里 running 就是一个普通的抽象名词    所以后面用 of 短语 修饰 

如果去掉  of则是 动名词短语  ,也对.但是有可能被认为 是分词短语 .

所以 用名词 翻译名词 最保险

动名词与名词的区别 就在于 动名词可以有自己的宾语