
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 06:58:27


Forrest Gump in the film portrayed the United States and Germany became the embodiment,honest,trustworthy,conscientious and brave and emotional importance,the only people not to pay Qiuhui Bao,never mind being rejected,he is open-minded,magnanimous in the face of life.He only their own wisdom,conviction,courage and focus on that,regardless of anything he is only aware of his intuition on the road non-stop running,he ran a childhood classmate of discrimination,the University ran the football field,Ran a fire falling quagmire of the Vietnam War,ran a ping-pong diplomacy of the battlefield,has traveled all over the United States and went to his final destination.
Each read "Forrest Gump" would get a little sentiment:that life is like white feathers in the air,or fighting the wind,or drift with the wind,blue sky or fly or fall into the abyss ......

White feather as the life was, strik in the wind or drift with breaze, or soar in the sky, or , fall into the dust.
由于最后一段说的是生命, 所以用了倒装吧life 和他的意相放在一起, 其他的呼唤高手吧

Forrest Gump in the film portrayed the United States and Germany became the embodiment, honest, trustworthy, conscientious and brave and emotional importance, the only people not to pay Qiuhui Bao, ne...


Forrest Gump in the film portrayed the United States and Germany became the embodiment, honest, trustworthy, conscientious and brave and emotional importance, the only people not to pay Qiuhui Bao, never mind being rejected, he is open-minded, magnanimous in the face of life. He only their own wisdom, conviction, courage and focus on that, regardless of anything he is only aware of his intuition on the road non-stop running, he ran a childhood classmate of discrimination, the University ran the football field, Ran a fire falling quagmire of the Vietnam War, ran a ping-pong diplomacy of the battlefield, has traveled all over the United States and went to his final destination.
Each read "Forrest Gump" would get a little sentiment: that life is like white feathers in the air, or fighting the wind, or drift with the wind, blue sky or fly or fall into the abyss ... ...


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英语翻译阿甘在影片中被塑造成了美德的化身,诚实、守信、认真、勇敢而重视感情,对人只懂付出不求回报,也从不介意别人拒绝,他只是豁达、坦荡地面对生活.他把自己仅有的智慧、信念、 在精卫填海中,大海被塑造成一个反面角色,为什么 在一次设计比赛中,两位参赛者每人可得到1.3立方厘米的可塑性材料,甲把它塑造成球体,乙把它塑造成正方体 【摘要】曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中把林黛玉塑造成了一个独具灵性、异常聪颖而偏有多难命运的“可怜人”形象.中文翻译为英文. 英语翻译看了《阿甘正传》,心里有说不出的激动与内疚.激动,是因为影片勾起了我许久以前的理想,内疚,是因为这美妙的理想也在许久前,就被我抛在了脑后.阿甘这样的影片,我们就应该多看 阿凡达最后结局到底是什么意思影片最后只看到本体和化身都在生命树下,是意识转移么?还有本体录下的最后一段话,是不是到最后本体死了,意识转到了化身里,就这么定形了?以后就可以不用 英语翻译翻译:品牌定位:完善的化身,品质的象征.打错字了,应该是完美的化身,品质的象征。 在《墨攻》中,革离是墨子的化身吗? 翻译成地道的英文~帮帮忙啦~旷野上强大而冷酷的狼,在弱肉强食的自然法则中生存下来,又在人类的邪恶中被塑造成了杀手和战士,他的生命中只有本能,战斗和生存的本能,还有遭遇不公的愤怒 在一次设计比赛中,两位参赛者每人可得到1立方米的可塑性材料,甲把它塑造成正方体,乙把它塑造成球体...在一次设计比赛中,两位参赛者每人可得到1立方米的可塑性材料,甲把它塑造成正方体 《精卫填海》在这个故事里,大海被塑造成一个反面角色,为什么?找出描绘大海的可恶的神态和语言 英语翻译《绿里奇迹》影评.三个小时的时长丝毫不觉冗长,影片的点点滴滴都触动着自己.含冤入狱的黑人科菲看似凶残,实则是美的化身,他拥有神力尽做善事,但一己之力使他感到力不从心,在 谁是三国演义中正义的化身 xx留在我的记忆深处在母校的生活中,我感受到了老师的无私奉献,就像一只粉笔为他人化身灰,却写活了立体的 在《西游记》中,玉帝是——的化身,孙悟空是——的化身和——的代表 地震中的班集体 教育答案是什么?1.影片中的地震是几级地震,影片中的同学们在突遇地震时怎样躲避的?2.影片中老师和同学在废墟下度过了多长时间,是怎样相互鼓励的?3.影片中同学在地震中 地震中的班集体 教育答案是什么?1.影片中的地震是几级地震,影片中的同学们在突遇地震时怎样躲避的?2.影片中老师和同学在废墟下度过了多长时间,是怎样相互鼓励的?3.影片中同学在地震中 星河战队2里的一句英语翻译在影片最后在联邦募兵站,介绍达克斯上尉的事迹的影片中,达克斯的一句话,中文意思是,不要为我哭泣,我的荣耀永留人间