英语口语题目.两分钟左右就行.1.What do you think is the most important factor in realizing one’s dreams?2.What’s your attitude towards part-time jobs?3.What is your attitude towards failure in life?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 16:43:14

英语口语题目.两分钟左右就行.1.What do you think is the most important factor in realizing one’s dreams?2.What’s your attitude towards part-time jobs?3.What is your attitude towards failure in life?
1.What do you think is the most important factor in realizing one’s dreams?
2.What’s your attitude towards part-time jobs?
3.What is your attitude towards failure in life?

英语口语题目.两分钟左右就行.1.What do you think is the most important factor in realizing one’s dreams?2.What’s your attitude towards part-time jobs?3.What is your attitude towards failure in life?
we all have a dream inside us,more or less.I think the most important factor
in realizing one’s dreams is experience.As we grow up,we are expose to many
things,joy,success,stress and lot more.When we are little,we always live
in uncertain.We are scare of the future,we are afraid of the unknown.
However,when we finally grow up and go through
all sorts of joys and sorrows of life,we would find
out what we truly wanted inside us.Not just an act on impulse but a decision that
we make and we would take responsibility of.Therefore,I think experience is
the key factor to know what one’s dream are.
Like I said in the first paragraph,experience is what make us grow .I think part-time jobs is an opportunity for us to expose to the society and to gain experience.We can learn many things from part-time jobs.There are things we are able to get from part-time jobs that we can't get it from anywhere else.
Toward failure,I think this is something we all go through before.It is always said that "failure is the mother of success".I think failure would make us mature.As we grow up,we learned and often from failures.We learn from what we did wrong and try to do better the next time.Therefore,I think if we can overcome failure,see failure as a motivate to do better then failure would be a stepping stone of our success.

英语口语题目.两分钟左右就行.1.What do you think is the most important factor in realizing one’s dreams?2.What’s your attitude towards part-time jobs?3.What is your attitude towards failure in life? 求六年级英语口语比赛自我介绍两分钟左右 problems of the environment英语口语演讲,两分钟左右 大学英语口语对话单人的对话.5分钟左右就可以了以这幅漫画写四分钟左右的两人对话, 中学英语口语比赛(2分钟左右) 急求英语口语对话!要求两人五分钟左右!急~!每个对话大约五分钟的,要求两个人的对话!拜托各位帮帮忙了!下面是对话的题目1.If you become the richest man or woman in china .What kind of life do you think you w 编写一段英语口语对话,条件如下1.内容:两人在中央大街附近的旅馆居住,计划出去玩两天.2.要求:写明日期和时间.3.时间为四至五分钟左右.两个人 对话时间 为 三四分钟就可以 英语故事大王进.谁有适合英语口语的经典英语故事,小寓言小故事就行.2分钟左右 大学英语口语,题目《未来的生活工作在哪儿》,时间两分钟左右,词汇最好不要太复杂地点模拟成成都,就是简单介绍下自己未来工作地点,工作状态,为什么选在那里,还有个别细节, 求一篇,五人英语口语对话,题目为我的大学生活!每人五句都行!时间五分钟左右!速回 英语口语题目的回答 Is fame something you will strive to seek? Give your reasons 三分钟左右 英语口语话题话题是:以“Is dating on campus compatible with school work?Why or why not?”为话题讨论,角色两人!5分钟左右就好.你这似乎是在答非所问哎! 大学英语口语对话单人的对话以这幅漫画写四分钟左右的两人对话, What is important to you when you find your Mr.Right?求两分钟左右的英语口语回答. 帮我写一段两个人之间英语对话 题目是好消息与坏消息 复制的不要啊时间长短5分钟左右就可以了 英语口语考试题目!用英语答!2-3分钟就行!英语口语考试题目!用英语答!要自己阐述!2-3分钟就行!1、Do you enjoy learn English Why or why not?What do you think is the most effective way of learning English 2、Suppose you 上网购物的好处 用英语是我们英语口语考试中的一个题目,至少要说两分钟 英语口语作文题目what are the joys of being healthy.大概120词左右就行了,不用太复杂.就是这个题目有点郁闷,joys怎么理解呢.保持健康的乐趣?