
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:39:32


Person in charge has been contacted this morning,plan could be proceeded.
In order to make the goal crystal clear,will call you later.
Thanks for the telephone communication,it is all clear from our side,if any question accrued,will contact you again.
Thank you for your email reply,content of instruction is received.
Will contact the other party as soon as possible and report the status back to you later.

1. i have contacted the person in charge by phone this mornign, we will carry out it on schedule.
2. i will call you later in order to make the purpose clear.
3. Thank you for your call. our p...


1. i have contacted the person in charge by phone this mornign, we will carry out it on schedule.
2. i will call you later in order to make the purpose clear.
3. Thank you for your call. our part has understood. If we have any question,we will contact you. \
4. Thank you for your answering our mail and we have known the directions.
5. i will contact the other part as soon as possible, and then i will report you what is going on.


1: in this morning, had already communication with head phones, according to the schedule. 2: in order to define the purpose, a short while give you a call. 3: thank you for your call and I contact, t...


1: in this morning, had already communication with head phones, according to the schedule. 2: in order to define the purpose, a short while give you a call. 3: thank you for your call and I contact, this way, if you have any questions, in touch with you. 4: thank you for your email reply, the contents of the instructions. 5: as soon as possible after contact with each other, later on in the situation report to you.


英语翻译1:在今天上午,已经和负责人电话沟通过了,按预定计划执行.2:为了明确目的,一会打电话给你.3:谢谢您和我的电话联络,这边清楚了,如果有什么问题,在联系你.4:谢谢您的邮件回复 和朋友在电话中聊天英语翻译 在电话旁边英语翻译 那个男孩正在和谁在电话里谈话?英语翻译 英语翻译关于在某些角度下产品表面呈现横纹(或斑马纹)的问题,虽然之前已经强调过,但此批仍未完全改善,且有程度加重的趋势.根据今天上午和A先生的讨论结果,此批成品予以接受,但你们 耕地被破坏怎么办我家的土地(村里分了还没种呢}前几天9月25日 村里人打电话说 有人往你家地里卸黄泥.我去了以后看地里已经卸了有十几车了 .当时只有干活的在 要了他们负责人的电话 中翻英:他说关于这个产品的销售和报价方面的工作已经在去年划分给我们公司在负责了,请您联系一下相关负责人可以吗? 英语翻译我已经帮您电话过航空公司,因为安全的理由,他们拒绝我在电话中更改机票,需要您亲自前往机场柜台现场改票.已经帮您查过下午四点的航班还是有位子的 请文下面这段英文怎样写?我在填写台北签证的申请表,申请表上需要填写赴台地址,接待单位名称,电话,负责人, 用英语翻译句子:汤姆和他的爸爸昨天动身去美国,并于今天上午抵达 英语翻译由于时间较长,而且当时的负责人已经不在了,所以要找出当时相关的证明文件比较困难,但是这个收费标准却是是经过当时的负责人确认了以后才收取的并且一直延续下来的. 在今天上午八点钟 英文翻译 英语翻译1 你给他 打了几个电话?2 我已经 给他 打了 5 个 / 打了许多个 电话了3 你已经 接了 几个电话了 4 我已经 接到5 个 / 接到很多个 电话了.英语翻译. 电话英语翻译 英语翻译1,创业协会负责人2,性格开朗的人3,采购员请帮忙翻成英语 英语翻译LOAN#:2003416349 尊敬的负责人.我想我们是产生了误会.1,电话里说好的2月15好之前邮寄支票.2,没有邮寄支票的信封,3,以后会准时邮寄支票,接到支票后请给 I'll get your party for you.在网上看到这么一句我把电话转给负责人.I'll get your party for you.在打电话的时候,确实有这么用的吗?一般说,我把电话转给负责人.英语怎么说? 我们今天上午没有化学课用英语翻译