一句不懂的英语句子The editorial contained an inference of foul play in the awarding of the contract.请问上面这句话是什么意思?顺便把句子的结构分析分析.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:37:43

一句不懂的英语句子The editorial contained an inference of foul play in the awarding of the contract.请问上面这句话是什么意思?顺便把句子的结构分析分析.
The editorial contained an inference of foul play in the awarding of the contract.

一句不懂的英语句子The editorial contained an inference of foul play in the awarding of the contract.请问上面这句话是什么意思?顺便把句子的结构分析分析.
the editorial :社论,评论,名词
an inference:推断,推测,名词
an inference of foul play : 关于肮脏交易的推断,名词短语.
in the awarding of the contract:在合同的签署过程中,状语.



The editorial 主语
contained 谓语
an inference of foul play宾语
in the awarding of the contract状语

一句不懂的英语句子The editorial contained an inference of foul play in the awarding of the contract.请问上面这句话是什么意思?顺便把句子的结构分析分析. 一句英语句子的用法The cart began its gradual ascent up the hill.这里up是做什么用?副词的话可以直接加名词后面?搞不懂哎T 一句比较优美的英语句子 帮我组织一句英语句子acknowledged,at last,foreign,his,lawer,mistake,pround ,the.请我组成一句正确的英语句子, post office ,turn,at,the,then,go,right,straight 怎样连成一句英语的句子? is,weather,like,what,beijng,the,in(?) 怎么拼成一句英语的句子? 真诚的希望各位朋友帮我解答下这句英语我现在学习新概念英语第四册17课遇见一句不懂的句子现在需要求大家帮我解答下.The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented这句 每天进步一点点用英语怎么说?到底是哪一个啊?我不懂英文才问你们的.不是放到句子里的,是单独一句~ 一句英语句子不懂however,from the start of the communist era in 1948 it had to develop on its won with out the benefit of outside influence and up-to-date technology 真诚的希望各位英语高手帮我解答下这句英语我现在学习新概念英语第四册17课遇见一句不懂的句子现在需要求大家帮我解答下.The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented it is always the same on these occasions!这句的句子结构我有些不懂? 我造的一句英语句子,The soldier was hitched by the bough.士兵被树枝钩住了. 一个英语句子不懂,The kettle began to boil.这句话的主语合适吗?为什么 求教一句英语句子的语法What significance is there in gaining the world if it means losing yourself 用英语说的一句有关想家的句子 英语翻译英语 解释一下85空一直到86空这段话!我不懂这个句子的意思.翻译一下句子. 分析一句英语句子Who else’s bike can this be?这还可能是其他什么人的自行车呢?who做疑问词的疑问句,总有些不太明白,不懂怎么用 帮忙分析一下这个英语句子的结构!The income working women generate gives them new indenpendence and buying power!一直搞不懂这句!不要说不对!英语四级上的!