
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:51:33


About the love story between a high school girl and two vampires
the girl's name is Elena,the vampires' names are Stefan and Damon.
Elena looks like Katherine,who is also a vampire.About 100 years ago,Stefan and Damon both fell in love with Katherine,but Katherine left them.
大概就是这样故事主线就是讲这四个家伙的情感故事,其中穿插着Elena 的弟弟,她的好友的一些事情

A story about vampires and how to become a vamire!

A love story about vampires, and how to be a vamire

Mystic falls becomes the target town for vampires with the return of Stefan & Damon Salvatore. Stefan, the controlled brother who's focused on his humanity, enrolls at high school attempting a normal ...


Mystic falls becomes the target town for vampires with the return of Stefan & Damon Salvatore. Stefan, the controlled brother who's focused on his humanity, enrolls at high school attempting a normal life whereas his brother Damon, the dashing, gorgeous, irresistible and dangerous brother makes Stefan's life a misery while trying to steal his girlfriend, Elena, along the way. With the confusing emotions, deceiving acts and hidden talents, comes a deep history from 1864 that Damon is determined to overcome by rescuing the Salvatore brothers' old love, Katherine, with the help of Elena's witch friend.
