
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:17:31


At this time,I'll not come back in such a short time,maybe after half a year ,or one year or two years later.But wherever I am,I'll still be strong forever and will be stricken down under no circumstances,tears never shed easily,I'm missing you all the time and await you.Will you be the same?

I will not come back a short while this time, maybe I
will be back in half a year, or in a year, or in two years. However,no matter where I am, I will be as strong as before, and I will not weep e...


I will not come back a short while this time, maybe I
will be back in half a year, or in a year, or in two years. However,no matter where I am, I will be as strong as before, and I will not weep easily, furthermore, I will not be struck down. I will still miss you. I will wait for you. I have no idea whether it is the case of you.


i could not be back quickly a while,maybe half a year later,maybe one year,or two years later,no matter where ,i still strong ,not easily tears,not be down,i still miss you ,i would be waiting for you,and the same to me?

英语翻译这次一时半会不会回来这么快,也许半年后、又或许一年、又或许二年后,不管身在何处,我依然坚强,不会轻易流泪,更不会被打倒,我依然想你.我会等你.不知你是否也一样? 也许他们不会来英语翻译 ‘ 他也许永远都不会回来了’用英语怎么说? 英语翻译翻译:“也许我们不会再见了” 边城的那个人永远不会回来也许明天回来的完整段落 什么溶液可以降低蛋白质的溶解度 但蛋白质不会变性 明天就要一模了有这么一个遗留问题一时半会想不起来 你昨天为什么这么晚回来 英语翻译 你快回来吧!的英语翻译 英语翻译等待等待等待,你不会回来回来回来 这句话的英文怎么翻译? 边城 “也许傩送永远不会回来,也许明天回来” 那么,翠翠会等到傩送吗?翠翠喜欢二老,天保和二老也喜欢翠翠,翠翠的外公是怎么看的呢?傩送会回来娶翠翠吗 失去了的东西永远不会再回来 英语翻译 英语翻译用英语翻译一下这句话:也许,永远也不会有奇迹发生 英语翻译也许你不知道这么多年我从不曾忘记你 用英语翻译:也许`~难道我们的感情就这么脆弱!经不起一点点的挫折. 用 也许.也许.反正造句快 英语翻译 我经常和很多男生有暧昧,我也许不会是你的理想伴侣. 史密斯先生七点前不会回来,史密斯夫人也不会.求英语翻译,还有两个同义句 初中英语翻译:史密斯先生不会回来,史密斯的夫人也不会.并写出一个同义句.