改成过去式的句子He __ came__ to Shenzhen 2 years ago.They _lefe_ China 8 years ago.She __borrowed__ this book 2 weeks ago

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:59:51

改成过去式的句子He __ came__ to Shenzhen 2 years ago.They _lefe_ China 8 years ago.She __borrowed__ this book 2 weeks ago
He __ came__ to Shenzhen 2 years ago.
They _lefe_ China 8 years ago.
She __borrowed__ this book 2 weeks ago

改成过去式的句子He __ came__ to Shenzhen 2 years ago.They _lefe_ China 8 years ago.She __borrowed__ this book 2 weeks ago
He  __  came__  to  Shenzhen  2 years  ago.  
They  _lefe_   China  8  years  ago.
She  __borrowed__  this  book  2  weeks ago
he has been in  Shenzhen since 2 years  ago.
They  have been away from   China  for 8  years  .
She  has had  this  book  since 2  weeks ago


改成过去式的句子He __ came__ to Shenzhen 2 years ago.They _lefe_ China 8 years ago.She __borrowed__ this book 2 weeks ago 把下列英语句子改成过去式的:Before leaving,he said:I am sure they are sour. Let's visit Nanjing Road.改成意思的句子 ,Let's __ __ __ __ Nanjing Road. It is a beautiful改成过去式句子. 把句子改成过去式(简单的句子) 马上就要交了!She meets her friends everyday.They drink some milk everyday.He swims in the river everyday.She takes him to school everyday.He cuts himself every morning. 关于think的反意疑问句给下列几个句子……I think he is happy,__ __?I don't think he is happy,__ __?I think he isn't happy,__ __?She thinks he is happy,__ __?She doesn't think he is happy,__ __?She thinks he isn't happy,__ __? 请问一般过去式的句子里,如果有两个动词,该把哪个动词改成过去式呢?需要两个都改吗? he的过去式 my cousin gets home at 6:00 am.的同义句是什么?改成My cousin gets home at __ __ __ __ 这样的句子 一个过去式的句子里有Be动词 也是第三人称单数 那Be动词怎么改?是改成过去式的did,还是改成does? Tom said,I'm watching TV.怎么改成间接引语的句子?watching是否变为过去式? 过去进行时的直接引语如何改成间接引语句子本身是一般过去式 if he doesn't go,neitger __?__ I.句子是将来时的 麻烦大家帮我解答下这个英语问题,He got married two years ago.这个英语句子应该是用的一般过去式对吧,那把get 改成got 这个过去式后,为什麽又要把marry 改成married . 例句:He help his mother clean the room.由此引发的两个问题!在过去式中,一个句子,不用连词连接,可以有两个过去式吗?例句该怎样改成过去式的呢?是只把help加ed,还是help和clean一起加ed?在一般现在 英语过去式的句子,是对的吗?句子如下:He thought it was great!thought:(think的过去式) was:(is的过去式)对的吗? He runs faster than the thief改成过去式 Yes,he does.这里面那个词要改成过去式?