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SPIRIT UPDATE:NASA's Spirit Rover Survives Record Cold on Mars - sol 908-914,July 29,2006:
Spirit remains healthy and continues to make progress on computer upgrades and scientific research,despite winter temperatures colder than any yet experienced during the rover's two and a half years on Mars.Models show that at the coldest part of the Martian night,around 5:00 a.m.Mars time,temperatures near the surface have dipped to approximately minus 97 degrees Celsius (minus 143 degrees Fahrenheit).
With the deepest part of the Martian winter just around the corner,Spirit is collecting about 284 watt-hours of electrical power each sol from the rover's solar array (a hundred watt-hours is the amount of electricity needed to light one 100-watt bulb for one hour).The shortest day,winter solstice in Mars' southern hemisphere,will arrive on Aug.8,2006.The lowest amount of solar energy the rover is expected to receive is about 275 watt-hours per sol.
Spirit has put the finishing touches on a new version of its flight software -- assembling,checking,and saving 200 sections of computer code transmitted from Earth in recent weeks.The software upgrade will give the rover enhanced autonomous operational capabilities.NASA plans for Spirit to switch from its current flight software to the new version in coming weeks.
Meanwhile,Spirit is only one frame away from completing the long-anticipated "McMurdo panorama," a full-color,360-degree view of the rover's winter haven amid the "Columbia Hills" in Gusev Crater on Mars.The collection of images from the panoramic camera,as with all scientific data,has taken extra time to complete with the sun lower on the horizon and solar power levels on the wane.During the week,Spirit also used the microscopic imager to get a closer look at a small ripple nicknamed "Palmer."
For the next several weeks until Labor Day,Spirit will communicate with Earth only using UHF-band relay via NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter.The X-band Spirit uses for communicating directly with Earth will not be available while that frequency is used intensively by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in the final stages of trimming its orbit around Mars.

我想知道现在(2006年8月1号)勇气号火星车的状况如何?因为我是一个科技迷,所以我很想知道.我也十分关注这个火星车的命运! 勇气号现在怎样了 法国2010年8月天气报告我想知道法国8月11号或12号冷不冷 勇气号现在还在火星吗 2002年9月1号到2010年12月23日,一共几天我跟我最好的朋友小学一年级就认识到现在,我想知道我们认识了几天 2.2004 年1 月,美国“勇气号”探测器成功地在太阳系某大行星表面登陆,并开始了对 我想知道勇气短文的答案 我们现在根本去不了火星 (三)我们现在根本去不了火星①2004年1月,美国的“勇气”号和“机遇”号两个火星探测器先后登陆火星,进行了一次探测旅行.但是,这种旅行不是光有机器人就足够 我想知道今天到2014年1月31号还有多少天. 5、搭载有“勇气”号火星车的美国火星探测器,于北京时间2003年6月11日凌晨1时58分成功升空,经过206个昼夜长达4亿8千万公里漫长的星际旅行,于北京时间2004年1月4日12时35分“勇气”号火星车 机遇号和勇气号现在的情况 2007年6月10日到现在(2009年12月10日)多少天了,怎么算的?我想知道具体要怎么算, 二代试管成功率我是6月2号做的二代试管婴儿移殖,而且是第二次做二代试管啦,到现在还没有反映,我想又一次失败了,这种心情无法形容,相信也无人能理解.我想了想,鼓起勇气,调理好身休继续 藏语翻译 我想知道藏语的 “勇气”怎么写 ,怎么读(可谐音). 现在是7月12号,下午3点整.我想问下现在吉林市天气情况怎么样?知道的朋友告诉下. 中国天气网怎么查以前的温度我想知道09年11月1号夜间温度多少 8月1号日全食大同可以看到吗?我想看日食不知道可以看到吗? 江西南部啥时才可以见到日食啊?8月1号的日食我想看但不知道啥时有,