速求“城区和郊区的生活比较 ” 英语作文一篇150单词左右

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速求“城区和郊区的生活比较 ” 英语作文一篇150单词左右
速求“城区和郊区的生活比较 ” 英语作文一篇

速求“城区和郊区的生活比较 ” 英语作文一篇150单词左右
I prefer city to countryside because the life in city attracts me more.I was born in city,so I'm used to the style of city.City life is not only busy ,but also interesting.First,shopping is quite convenient in the city.We are able to buy all we want.We can even buy things by phone and Internet.On the other hand,the traffic in the city is more comfortable than that in the countryside.We can go to everywhere by bus,taxi,underground and so on.And the night view of city is pretty nice.These are the reasons why I enjoy the city.我喜欢住在城市因为城市生活更吸引我.我出生在城市,所以我习惯了城市风格.城市生活不仅繁忙,而且有趣.首先,在城市购物非常便捷.我们可以买到所有我们想买的.我们甚至可以通过电话和网络购物.另一方面,城市交通比郊区的更舒适.我们可以乘坐公交车、出租车、地铁等等到任何地方.而且城市夜晚的景色也相当迷人.这些就是为什么我喜欢城市的原因.
If by "suburb" is meant an urban margin that grows more rapidly than its already developed interior,the process of suburbanization began during the emergence of the industrial city in the second quarter of the nineteenth century.Before that period the city was a small highly compact cluster in which people moved about on foot and goods were conveyed by horse and cart.But the early factories built in the 1840’s were located along waterways and near railheads at the edges of cities,and housing was needed for the thousands of people drawn by the prospect of employment.In time,the factories were surrounded by proliferating mill towns of apartments and row houses that abutted the older,main cities.As a defense against this encroachment and to enlarge their tax bases,the cities appropriated their industrial neighbors.In 1854,for example,the city of Philadelphia annexed most of Philadelphia County.Similar municipal maneuvers took place in Chicago and in New York.Indeed,most great cities of the United States achieved such status only by incorporating the communities along their borders.
With the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban crowding and accompanying social stress-conditions that began to approach disastrous proportions when,in 1888,the first commercially successful electric traction line was developed.Within a few years the horse-drawn trolleys were retired and electric streetcar networks crisscrossed and connected every major urban area,fostering a wave of suburbanization that transformed the compact industrial city into a dispersed metropolis.This first phase of mass-scale suburbanization was reinforced by the simultaneous emergence of the urban Middle Class,whose desires for homeownership in neighborhoods far from the aging inner city were satisfied by the developers of single-family housing tracts.

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