
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:46:21


There Mo of female consciousness of meng boss is always a humble and obedience,in economic and moral has great dependence,deformity caused female consciousness of psychological strangled Sally although know oneself active pursuit of life,but she is not confident the subconscious,the subject,the inferiority complex infertility,deepen in self fantasy split personality.A battered women's DuoYiJi special signs that women are born child knows very painful,but still willing,and from the children of great joy and comfort.Mo refused to withstand pain of abortion,willingly bear pain,perhaps is the birth of the unconscious,to spend is knowing the child's father had to abandon her future,still insist on fertility.In book description of feminine consciousness gradually formed and ripe flowers in the rain is exquisite,the family of the family showed great pain,so the female fertility will have a solemn and stirring aesthetic feeling.Generally speaking,Mo article is a young girl's dream,Sally is a female crazy growing period,but flower piece is a female mature.


There is no self-consciousness Mo female boss Bangladesh has a humble attitude with the surrender, in the spirit of both the economy and great dependence, abnormal awareness of the psychological cause...


There is no self-consciousness Mo female boss Bangladesh has a humble attitude with the surrender, in the spirit of both the economy and great dependence, abnormal awareness of the psychological cause of women being strangled Li though know how to take the initiative to pursue their own Life can be subconscious, she is not confident, to identify their infertility after marriage, the further deepening of this inferiority complex, and eventually split personality self-fantasy. Battered women as a special symbol, Deutsch points out that women know that a child is very painful, but still willing, and children from birth to get great joy and comfort. Mo would not bear the pain of abortion, but willing to take the pain of childbirth, perhaps unconscious, to the flowers is knowing the child's father has abandoned her for the future to insist birth. The book contains description of female consciousness and gradually maturing reproductive spent in the rain scene in minute detail, showing the birth to be the tremendous suffering that female fertility also has a tragic beauty. In general, Mo is a young girl's fantasy chapter era, Li article is the growth of a woman crazy times, and spent chapter is a chapter in the mature female.
