请判断下列各题空格处动词的正确时态.一般现在时或现在进行时?1.You can't see her now; she(have) a bath.2.My parents(grow) older and older.3.He usually(drink) coffee but today he(drink) tea.4.The childr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:22:26

请判断下列各题空格处动词的正确时态.一般现在时或现在进行时?1.You can't see her now; she(have) a bath.2.My parents(grow) older and older.3.He usually(drink) coffee but today he(drink) tea.4.The childr
1.You can't see her now; she(have) a bath.
2.My parents(grow) older and older.
3.He usually(drink) coffee but today he(drink) tea.
4.The children(have) a good time at the party very much right now.
5.A:How(you usually get) to work?
B:I usually(go) by bus but tomorrow I(go) in Tom's car.
6.A:Why(you put) on your coat?
B:I(go) for a walk.(you come) with me?
A:Yes,I'd love to.(You mind) if I(bring) my dog?
7.I don't know what she(talk) about,for she(speak) too fast.I am sure if she(speak) slower,I can understand her.
8.She(like) to talk very much.In fact she(always talk and talk).
9.We(use) this room today because the windows in the other room is broken.
10.A:How are you today?
B:I(feel) much better today,but I still(have) coughs.
A:Then you had better go(to) see the doctor again.
B:Yes.I(see) the doctor this afternoon.
11.A:He(always say) that he'll quit smoking,but he(never do) it.
B:Yes.Whenever I(see) him,he(smoke).
12.A:(You write)to her this evening?
B:Yes,I(always write) to her on her birthday.(You want) to send her any words?
13.Tom and Mary(have) a long conversation.
I(wonder) what they(talk) about.
14.A:This can(make) a very strange noise.
(You think) it is all right?
B:Oh,that noise(not matter).It always(make) a noise like that.
15.A:(You see) my hat anywhere?
B:No,I(look) for it for you,too,but I(find) it nowhere.

请判断下列各题空格处动词的正确时态.一般现在时或现在进行时?1.You can't see her now; she(have) a bath.2.My parents(grow) older and older.3.He usually(drink) coffee but today he(drink) tea.4.The childr
1.You can't see her now; she(is having) a bath.
2.My parents(is growing) older and older.
3.He usually(drinks) coffee but today he(is drinking) tea.
4.The children(are having) a good time at the party very much right now.
5.A:How(do you usually get) to work?
B:I usually(go) by bus but tomorrow I(will go/ am going) in Tom's car.
6.A:Why(are you putting) on your coat?
B:I(am going) for a walk.(Will you come) with me?
A:Yes,I'd love to.Do (you mind) if I(will bring) my dog?
7.I don't know what she(is talking) about,for she(is speaking) too fast.I am sure if she(speaks) slower,I can understand her.
8.She(likes) to talk very much.In fact she(always talks and talks).
9.We(are using) this room today because the windows in the other room is broken.
10.A:How are you today?
B:I(am feeling) much better today,but I still(am having) coughs.
A:Then you had better go(to) see the doctor again.
B:Yes.I(am going to see) the doctor this afternoon.
11.A:He(always says) that he'll quit smoking,but he(never does) it.
B:Yes.Whenever I(see) him,he(will smoke).
12.A:(Will you write)to her this evening?
B:Yes,I(always write) to her on her birthday.(Do you want) to send her any words?
13.Tom and Mary(are having) a long conversation.
I(wonder) what they(are talking) about.
14.A:This can(make) a very strange noise.
(Do you think) it is all right?
B:Oh,that noise(doesnot/ doesn't matter).It always(makes) a noise like that.
15.A:(Have you seen) my hat anywhere?
B:No,I(am looking) for it for you,too,but I(can find) it nowhere.

请判断下列各题空格处动词的正确时态.一般现在时或现在进行时?1.You can't see her now; she(have) a bath.2.My parents(grow) older and older.3.He usually(drink) coffee but today he(drink) tea.4.The childr 英语短文中怎样正确的判断使用动词的时态? 一般将来时态的动词变化吗?急一般将来时态的动词变化吗?还有一般过去时态动词怎样变化呢?有什么规律吗?请朋友给讲解下!词的变化请举例子谢谢@ 一般将来时态的动词变化是什么 判断下列句子的时态,并用动词的适当形式填空. 动词正确时态填空 一般现在时态中谓语动词是什么动词的用法 一般现在时态中谓语动词是 动词的用法 英语现在完成时在做完形填空题时,要你用已知动词的正确时态填空,如何知道是写现在完成时还是一般过去式? 判断下列句子是否正确,错误的请改正. 划分下列句子的成分,主明构件类型,判断句子与谓语动词的时态如第一个句子 while when前后各用什么时态呢按我的理解 while 后一般用进行时 其他的情况可以根据动词本身是否是持续性动词,然后判断用ing或ed 一般过去时的语法请把一般过去时态的结构 用法 常见动词的不规则变法讲解一下 一般现在时态的动词用原型还是第三人称单数 请问,动词不定式的时态用法是什么?这四个时态分别是什么时候用的?(一般式,进行式,完成式,完成进行式)请具体说明, 请判断下列命题是否正确 用括号中动词的正确时态填空 用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空