这句英文的语法错在哪里啊?This analysis shows how human speech is not random and it is filled with social use of language and conversational rules.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:24:08

这句英文的语法错在哪里啊?This analysis shows how human speech is not random and it is filled with social use of language and conversational rules.
This analysis shows how human speech is not random and it is filled with social use of language and conversational rules.

这句英文的语法错在哪里啊?This analysis shows how human speech is not random and it is filled with social use of language and conversational rules.
句子的错误在于宾语从句的引导词how是错误的,shows 后面的宾语从句直接用that就可以了:
This analysis shows that human speech is not random and it is filled with social use of language and conversational rules.

use 应该是复数哈

I wish I could be one of your teeth next life。At least,if I were hurt,you also feel painful。答:最好将虚拟语气进行到底,在also前加上


and 用的有问题吧
shows 的宾语 是how 引导的宾语从句
看起来 后面的 it 代指 human speech
改为 This analysis shows how human speech is not random ,which is filled with social use of language and conversational rules.

这句英文的语法错在哪里啊?This analysis shows how human speech is not random and it is filled with social use of language and conversational rules. I have been in China for a few days这句语法错在哪里啊? When I was walking on campus this morning,a ball hit my head.此句语法错在哪里? 这句英文句子哪里出了错This is her blue color bike. sth is belong to you.这句语法错在哪里? 这两个英语句子有错吗?错在哪里?Is this an orange?Yes,it's. 这句英文有错误吗?Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas this holiday season!这句英文的说法有错误吗?如果有错误,具体错在哪里?Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas this holiday season!我是看见很多网页提供祝福 这句英文有错误吗?Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas this holiday season!这句英文的说法有错误吗?如果有错误,具体错在哪里?Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas this holiday season! I have never seen you this handsome before!这句英文错在哪里I have never seen you this handsome before!这个句子翻译有几处错误?谁知道?请英文好的从新造一下这句.有seen,为什么还要before呢?过去式加before还加ne i was born in winter,this is an important reason why i like winter 这句语法对吗? 这句英文语法有没有问题?i WANT TO GO TO THE STREET,THERE WHERE YOU ARE?如果语法有问题是哪里有问题.我自己觉得这句子怪怪的.正确的又应该怎样说呢?大家最好说错在哪里。而不是直接说答案。说答 我的舞台在哪里?用英文怎么说?英语翻译,语法正确的! 这句英文哪里错了?这句话那里错了?是语法错了还是时态错了,还是别的什么错了? 这句英文语法帮看下这样对不对?He want to go abroad,but it was impossible可以改这样麼He want to go abroad,and this was impossible.语法上有什麼差别会的帮解答下xie xie 英语翻译相信我,希望在未来.翻译以上词句,并解释以下语法.打错了,是并解释一下以上词句的英文语法i2i4 -老大,我这句前面还有内容,不是你理解的那个意思,呵呵 SAT语法,为什么选C啊,错在哪里? 下面这句话在语法上哪里错了in that place in your heart where summer is an always time 请问WE ARE GO GUANGZHOU.这句话的语法到底错在哪里?怎么个错法呢?