
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:21:08

大家帮帮忙啦 , 我很急的~~

once the u.s representative visited china,there was a reporter said to zhou enlai:chinese like to bowling their heads when they are walking,but our american like to face up when we are walking.everyone felt duprised.but zhou enlai calmly looked at that reporter with smile face:it is not a suprise,because chinese like to go uphill,but americans like to go downhill.


When the representatives from the U.S. came to China,a journalist said to Premier Zhou that Chinese prefered to walk with bowing head but Americans prefered to walk with swelling out the chest,which s...


When the representatives from the U.S. came to China,a journalist said to Premier Zhou that Chinese prefered to walk with bowing head but Americans prefered to walk with swelling out the chest,which shoked the attendants.But Premier Zhou smiled and calmly said :"This is not surprising.Because Chinese like to go up and you like to go down."


U.S. Representative's visit to China, Premier Zhou Enlai had a reporter, said: "The Chinese are very fond of walking on their heads bowed, while we Americans have always Tai Zhaotou walk." Presence of...


U.S. Representative's visit to China, Premier Zhou Enlai had a reporter, said: "The Chinese are very fond of walking on their heads bowed, while we Americans have always Tai Zhaotou walk." Presence of people are surprised. Premier Zhou calmly face with a smile, said: "This is not surprising. Because we Chinese people like to go uphill, but you Americans like to decline."


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