
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:26:21


Hello, everyone, and welcome you to visit the naval museum.
   Navy Museum is the second China Beijing People's Revolutionary Military Museum and the Museum of Aviation, organized by the Navy to build a professional and the Military Museum, located in Qingdao city of Laiyang road on the 8th, wrote the famous calligrapher Qi Gong Museum, in October 1989 1 open to the public. Its mission is to: promote the founding of New China since the People's Navy's achievements, showing the history of China's naval development, carry forward the Chinese nation has a long history, culture, carry forward the glorious tradition and spirit of revolutionary heroism, and enhance the whole nation's awareness of national defense and ocean view Arouse people's patriotism, education units, education and future generations.
   Qingdao is located on the 8th Laiyang Beach Road, east of Lu Xun Park and the Museum of seafood, to the west Qingdao small park near the South endless sea in the north and risers across the bridge, and beautiful environment, beautiful scenery and open terrain hospital, harbor , Terminal and a wide space, land and sea area exhibition area of effective intervention ship, the unique natural conditions.
   In recent years, while the Navy Museum building, while on display, the current exhibition hall have been completed and gifts uniforms, weapons and equipment exhibition and exhibition ship on the sea area in three parts of the occupied land and water area of 4,000 square meters, more than 800 exhibits. Uniform area of 900 square meters exhibition hall gift, the main display of the people from the Navy in 1949 since the birth of the different periods of standard clothing, rank badges, symbols service, special equipment, as well as operations in more than 60 countries and the armed forces of the people I presented to the Navy's precious Gift. Weapons and equipment exhibition covers an area of 2,000 square meters, equipped with small naval vessels, aircraft, missiles, artillery, weapons in the water, land and water tanks, observation equipment, such as display of the seven groups. The main exhibition area on the sea-ship show of decommissioned destroyers, frigates, submarines, and other medium-sized conventional warships.
   In the more than 800 exhibits, the more important items are: August 4, 1957 on behalf of the Central Premier Zhou Enlai, Chairman Mao Qinghai review into the use of military force ships of Yuleikuaiting Muke, Oct. 1, 1984 in Beijing's Tiananmen Square At the military parade to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding ceremony, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission Deng Xiaoping reviewed the "waves" submarine-to-surface missile; the first naval commander of the Navy General Xiao Jinguang had to wear the navy dress and their general take-off Doyle - 14 aircraft; Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, former deputy commander of the navy Deng Zhaoxiang General of the Navy to donate the 55-generals dress; for the people and the building of the navy to defend the motherland, coastal areas and territorial seas make an important contribution to the first generation of China's missile destroyer "Anshan"; in the coastal areas and territorial seas fighting to defend the motherland Cited for meritorious service in the military exploits of anti-aircraft missile frigate "Yingtan"; have been shot down by the United States and u - 2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft of the Red Flag - No. 2-to-air missile; the Korean People's Army delegation's visit to China gave me the gift of the Navy Fleet - for some Shang Ganling the trunk full of shrapnel, and so on.
   Navy Museum is a force and the broad masses of the people especially the young people to carry out patriotic education of good classroom. In recent years, education in patriotism and play an active role, has been Shandong, Qingdao City, the leadership of the party and government organs sure. March 1994 Qingdao municipal government to the Navy Museum as a "primary and secondary school students in Qingdao moral base", in October the same year, Qingdao municipal government and military leaders in green body awarded the Navy Museum, "National Defense Education advanced unit", 1995 2 Shandong Province, was designated as "patriotic education base at the provincial level."
   Navy Museum is still in construction stage, is to speed up the pace of construction in the near future will be even more grand gesture to show the majority of the audience.
Now we come to the memorial Qi.
     Qi Memorial Hall at Shuicheng Penglaizhen small sea on the eastern side of the Navy House. Navy House is a symmetry axis of the binary antique-style buildings, rooms in the main hall and three East-West corridors are connected, an area of 3220 square meters. Was built in June 1992 and July 1995 opening to the outside world. Memorial Hall has six exhibition halls, the use of wall paintings, reliefs and clay combination of art practices through the three-dimensional visual scenes, vivid image of reproduced Qi Shandong Haihua against the Japanese, Kangwo coastal Fujian and Zhejiang, customs border guard Jizhou, a desk Of writing history, and so on the screen so that people from generation to see famous people as the style. Qi has become a memorial for the people, especially young people in patriotism and revolutionary tradition of good education base.
     Beat the first exhibition hall meeting
     This is the "gathering of the Beat" Office.
     Ladies and gentlemen, sitting in the middle is the famous generation of Qi Jiguang, who was standing shoulder to shoulder with the fighting and forged a profound friendship of comrades-in-arms, they are like-minded, long-term fight career, growth for the generation of heroes.
     Qi in China's eastern coastal Kangwo 15 years, put down from intrusion since the late Yuan Dynasty China's coastal areas up to 200 years old suffering from Japanese, China's coastal areas and territorial seas Miles weight in peace. Jizhou guarding him for 16 years, since the completion of the Shanhaiguan East, West Ridge Shitang to more than 2000 years of urban flood control project and the creation of a logistics unit - the barracks, the use of various arms of mutual co-operation with new tactics, so that Frontier fortress in a long time there have been no peace in sight.
     After Qi Jiajing, Long Khanh, Wanli three North Korea, known as the "three-Hu Chen Chao," 42-year campaign. His famous Chinese prestige, extra-territorial Wei, who is a generation. He is a distinguished military theorist, wrote, "Xiao Ji new book," "Discipline is training" Bingshu. "Si Ku Quan Shu" in ancient China featuring the 20 Bingshu, he occupies only two. In the history of our country's military, well-known and more general non-Bing Shu, to write the Bingshu many non-famous. From the Qin and Han dynasties of the Ming Dynasty two thousand years, and general well-known and well-known Bing Shu Qi, only one person. He is both a civil and military NORTH PEAK, had "only just set Church," Collected Poems V, China's rich literary heritage treasure.
     Qi is not outspoken Arab-life, honest, sincere people, the sake of the general good, there has been a consistent trust and support.
     Ai Qi, such as child soldiers, compassionate Shizu, on the battlefield, he always take the lead to rush ahead in the former. He attached particular importance to the building of forces for the election of three pro-elite to Yiwu, Biaohan recruitment of workers and peasants "Qi Jia-jun," the backbone.
     The second called upon to visit the exhibition hall.
     The second exhibition hall will be proud of the door (the front yard Xi)
     On the south side: Qi, King character, Nam Tong, and all night, Meng, Shandong Penglai people. Six of its generation to follow in detail, Qi Zhu Yuanzhang, in the overthrow of the Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty set up the power struggle, Qi do my best to detail 30 years after the expedition when they were killed in Yunnan. To remember his exploits founding, the Ming Dynasty granted the Government for his son Qi Bin, General Hemingway, hereditary Zhihuiqianshi Methodist College.
     Qi Jia Jing of the Ming dynasty was born in 2007 (November 12, 1528). Qi Jiguang's childhood reading, the military is willing to do the game, build mud walls, camps for the brick pile, cut paper-cut bamboo for the flag, who serve as a command, the times of Qi Jiguang children that shows remarkable talent.
     Qi Jiguang an early age to accept a good family and lead the division, with an average Qi Jing-taught him reading, writing, speaking Art of War, the martial arts in the hope that he can grow up to his achievements and exploits. He also has a learned and knowledge, well-respected teacher by the name of Liang, for his love of martial law to teach. 10-year-old when his mother died. Harden's life, his deep study Zhicheng. Later, he was a Bingshu wrote on the title page of "Feng Hou not my intention, it is hoped-Hyperion," the poem, the performance of his lofty patriotism.
     23 Jiajing (1554), 17-year-old Wei Qi carried on the Dengzhou Zhihuiqianshi, in charge of affairs Dynasty. 27 Jiajing (1548) to Sanshiyinian Jiajing (1552), Ren Qi officers, the rate of Shandong by Xu Wei Liu Jun Ji Zhou guarding the border, the first lunar month every year to edge Xu Shou, in order to come back late autumn. "三百六十日year, Wang was more up-Goma," the period of his military career itself. (Jiajing period in 28 years (in 1549) in October, he took part in the Shandong Provincial Examination, the martial art examination. Poem cited here is "Chronicle" Jiajing 30 years, the title poem "immediately", beginning with the word for "Qi Lu." Qi in the preparation of his own poetry, "Wang lance draft", poem entitled "immediately to make." At the beginning of the word "North and South." Poetry of the South in order Kangwo period in the poems. Why there is such a Different? Our guess is that Qi Jiguang to the South after the war Quchi years, can not help but think of Dengzhou thistle garrison experience, which recalled the first heavy finest creations. But this time he has come from the north to the south . In order to complete the poem summed up Nanzhengbeizhan out of military service, should be natural, "Quchi North and South." He later poetry editor, this will change after the first poem of which are set out in the period Kangwo poems , Will come as no surprise.)
     On the north side: Shuicheng training. In past years, the sea Dengzhou defense dilapidated by the military without training, the arrival of Qi, Wu Zhen-order business, the renovation of the Guardian, Qianliang clean-up, strict discipline, so lazy at the time a group of people whom Zhen, health and the great atmosphere Change. To turn for the better, Qi in the Great practice Shuicheng of its soldiers on land, at sea training Shizu, thorough, and military discipline, creating a powerful army Kangwo. So far, the eastern side of the Penglai Pavilion, Danya still left on the mountain after his man-establish access to the sea tablets parade, to mark its training achievements.

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