
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:38:39


Tiger the cat,said:"I am hungry,I want you eat!" Cat Bujinbuman replied:"I have a stunt,if you do not eat me,and I Jiujiao to you." Tiger asked:"What» "Cat replied:" on the tree!Presentation I give you see."Tiger said:" Good!"
The cat climbed up a tree,said with a smile:"You can not eat me!" Tiger know Shangle Dang,angry and left.The clever cat with the wisdom to save themselves.

The tiger said to the cat:" I'm hungry. I'm going to eat you!"
The cat answered without hasty:" I have one excellency. If you don't eat me, I'll teach you."
"What?' the tiger asked.


The tiger said to the cat:" I'm hungry. I'm going to eat you!"
The cat answered without hasty:" I have one excellency. If you don't eat me, I'll teach you."
"What?' the tiger asked.
"Climbing the tree, Let me show you." the cat answered.
"OK." the tiger said.
The moment the cat climbed onto the tree, it smiled:" You are unable to eat me now!"
The tiger knew it had been cheated and walked away angrily.
The clever cat had saved itself by wisdom.



The tiger says to the cat: "I had starved , I had needed to eat up you"! The cat was answered neither fast nor slow: "I had one unique skill , impart you on if you do not have meal in our , our". Th...


The tiger says to the cat: "I had starved , I had needed to eat up you"! The cat was answered neither fast nor slow: "I had one unique skill , impart you on if you do not have meal in our , our". The tiger asks about: "What"? The cat is answered: "Mount the tree! I demonstrate to you ". The tiger says: "Good"! The cat has climbed a tree , has said be laughing at: "You had not been arrived at me"! The tiger had known having got cheated ,had left angrily. The clever cat uses wisdom to have rescued self .


The tiger said to the cat:" I'm hungry. I'm going to eat you!"
The cat answered:" I have one excellency. If you don't eat me, I'll teach you."
"What?' the tiger asked.
"Climbing the tre...


The tiger said to the cat:" I'm hungry. I'm going to eat you!"
The cat answered:" I have one excellency. If you don't eat me, I'll teach you."
"What?' the tiger asked.
"Climbing the tree, Let me show you." the cat answered.
"OK." the tiger said.
The moment the cat climbed onto the tree, it smiled:" You are unable to eat me now!"
The tiger knew it had been cheated and walked away angrily.
The clever cat had saved itself by wisdom.


英语翻译(过去式!)老虎对猫说:“我饿了,我要把你吃掉!”猫不紧不慢地回答:“我有一项绝技,如果你不吃我,我就教给你.”老虎问:“什么?”猫回答:“上树!我演示给你看.”老虎说: 猫和老虎的故事,老虎应该怎么回答呢?一只老虎受困在牢笼中,猫跟老虎做起了朋友. 猫对老虎说:老鼠肉是最香最好吃的.等我下次抓到一只老鼠,就拿来让你也享受一下吧. 对于猫的同情和 关于猴子和老虎的英语作文1.有一天,一只老虎和一只猴子遇面了.2.老虎对猴子说:“小猴子,你看,我比你高多了,”3.猴子对老虎说:“我爬树比你快啊.”4.猴子对老虎说:“你看,你掉到湖里 我扶着他过了马路,他对我说谢谢(过去式)用英语怎么说? 请给我说20对英语过去式和现在式的单词哪种都可以谢谢了! 英语翻译大老虎的牙齿真厉害.大家都害怕老虎,只有狐狸说:“我不怕,我还能把老虎的牙齿全拔掉呢.谁也不相信,都说狐狸吹牛,狐狸真的去找老虎了.他带了一大包礼物:“啊,尊敬的大王,我 为什么说女人是老虎?拜托了各位 谢谢我听爸爸说女人是不折不扣的老虎 英语翻译我不知到该怎样说 不知用不用过去式 老虎、狐狸和兔子赛跑.赛完后,老虎说:“我第一”.狐狸说:“我第二”.兔子说:“我不是第一”.他们之中仅有一个说了谎.那么第二名是( ).答案已经知道 有一只老鼠非常害怕猫.有一天它遇到了上帝.对上帝说了情况.上帝把它变成了猫.他遇到猫之后还是害怕的跑了.它又去找上帝.说它遇到了老虎.上帝又把它变成了老虎.但是它遇到老虎依然害 现在世界上还有华南虎吗?听说野生的已经灭绝了,人工养殖的华南虎还有吗?为什么同是了老虎,普通老虎受国家保护,华南虎就是捕杀对象呢?(我是说以前)对这方面我见识短浅. 英语翻译有人对我说了这些词, 为什么说老虎像猫? 英语翻译英语翻译 昨天她正走着,突然绊倒了(fall over) 老虎比猫重许多倍(many times) 学了狐假虎威这篇课文,你想对狐狸或老虎说些什么吗? 狐假虎威故事中狐狸对老虎说无敢食我的理由是什么?(用原文回答) 英语翻译我们对老虎做了什么,就会受到什么报应. 英语翻译我在有道词典上翻译过,它上面用的是过去式,我问同学他们说用一般式,那个对啊