例句说明imagery和simile和metaphor的区别,为什么都是复制的答案 shudao05 哪里有“上面这句话”!

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例句说明imagery和simile和metaphor的区别,为什么都是复制的答案 shudao05 哪里有“上面这句话”!
为什么都是复制的答案 shudao05 哪里有“上面这句话”!

例句说明imagery和simile和metaphor的区别,为什么都是复制的答案 shudao05 哪里有“上面这句话”!
1.Simile 明喻
标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等.
1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud.
3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.
2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻
1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.
2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested
3.Imaagery 比喻
1 The author's imagery mystifies me.

simile是明喻的意思,即句子中有出现像 like 和as 这样的才算simile 所以上面这句话属于metaphor,暗喻。

例句说明imagery和simile和metaphor的区别,为什么都是复制的答案 shudao05 哪里有“上面这句话”! imagery metaphor simile的区别我只知道它们都和比喻有关,但有点分不清,讨论下他们的的区别和用法, simile和smile有什么不同 在英语论文中假如有两个词,比如说simile和metaphor作为标题时候可以表达成simile/metaphor形式不,还是?可以表达成 simile and metaphor simile和metaphor的区别,有句子Climbing hills is a great teacher.这是用了什么修辞手法?是simile还是metaphor?The world is a stage.这个是Simile,也是用is的,我需要系统的回答。 used的用法,要有例句和说明. innate和congenital的区别例句+说明, simile (直喻)和metaphor(暗喻)的区别在哪里,请各造一个句子. 说明方法和例句各种说明方法,每个说明方法要有例句 help with和help for有什么区别例句说明 rain,rainy和raining的区别.例句说明 Play a part和role in 举例句说明, something的用法,有说明和例句最好 displacement和replacement的区别?最好用例句来说明~ have和hold的区别 带例句说明 sure和certainly的用法和区别 说明基本用法就行 要例句和例句的中文,例句也不要太复杂 辨析德语单词区别!最好有德语例句说明!能不能辨析一下mögen和gefallen的区别呀?还有abholen与holen的区别! The word,rose is what literary device?“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”A,Imagery B,Personification C,metaphor D,Simile