英语告诉帮我看看这句话合理吗the interesting extents,lively extents and professional extents of respondents to Scratch Radio preserved an attitude of neutrality that hold great majority回答者对Scratch Radio 的有趣程度,生动程

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:09:34

英语告诉帮我看看这句话合理吗the interesting extents,lively extents and professional extents of respondents to Scratch Radio preserved an attitude of neutrality that hold great majority回答者对Scratch Radio 的有趣程度,生动程
the interesting extents,lively extents and professional extents of respondents to Scratch Radio preserved an attitude of neutrality that hold great majority
回答者对Scratch Radio 的有趣程度,生动程度和专业程度,大多数为中立态度

英语告诉帮我看看这句话合理吗the interesting extents,lively extents and professional extents of respondents to Scratch Radio preserved an attitude of neutrality that hold great majority回答者对Scratch Radio 的有趣程度,生动程
The majority of the reply kept a neutral attitude to the fun, livelihood and profession of Scratch Radio.

英语告诉帮我看看这句话合理吗the interesting extents,lively extents and professional extents of respondents to Scratch Radio preserved an attitude of neutrality that hold great majority回答者对Scratch Radio 的有趣程度,生动程 「英语」请大家帮我看看这句话是否有语病i found a wallet lying in the corner when i were sweeping the floor yesterday 请帮我看看这句话是否存在错误(英语)A handsom man join the surfing match who in bikini and he win.. 帮我看看这句话有没有语法错误 帮我看看,这句话有语法错误吗.you can bring your favorite book to give the students read 这句话有错吗He analyzed how people paid for their blind believe in the “American Dream”.帮我看看语法 不是翻译 英语高手帮我看看这句话语法有问题么when he had arrived in the supermarket ,he did not know which kind of water he should bought.这句话传说过去式不是和过去完成时搭配么 谁帮我看看这句英语有语病吗?i am flying in the heaven我在天堂里飞. 帮我看看这句话有无语病 谁帮我看看这句话是什么 英语 帮我看看有病句吗?1 my home is in china.2 I came into the classroom. 英语 帮我看看这句话有错吗,有的话帮忙改改These two varieties of English have both changed a good deal in the last three hundred years or so, and naturally they have not developed in exactly the same way. However, the differences bet 求英语高手了,帮我看看这句话?先看看全文:with malice toward none,with charity for all,with firmness in the right as god fives us to see the right,let us strive on to finish the work we are in,to bind up the nation's wounds,to care f 帮我看看这句话有没有语病,Not only can they get the best education but also the more employment opportunity in their furture. 请帮我看看这句话我写得对吗?Could I help to you fill in it?中文背景是:我能帮你填写吗? 帮我看看英语 英语帮我看看 英语 帮我看看 帮我看看英语