"走捷径"有几种说法(in English)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:20:13

"走捷径"有几种说法(in English)
"走捷径"有几种说法(in English)

"走捷径"有几种说法(in English)
take a shortcut走捷径; cut corners 有近路,以简便的方法做事

cut corners或者take a short cut

走捷径"有几种说法(in English) doesn't do well in math a ( ) he is good at Englis doesn't do well in math ( ) he is good at Englis What does it mean to be polite in your culture?What is rude in your culture?please answer in Englis hi,i’d like to look for some friends in highh level of competence of english to improve our englis If you work hard,you will do well in English.进行句型转换 __,you will do well in Englis 看图填写字母,组成单词这个是初一(上)新目标的What's in Englis?y_urd_sk-ag-espen_ildo _ble There were not any telephone calls made in Englis between the two countries(保持句意不变)____ ____ the telephone calls were made in English between the two countries. 英语划线题目对下列句子的划线部分提问.1.My father is fine.(fine.)___________________________________________2.The shirt is white and black.(white and black.)___________________________________________3.It is a ruler in Englis 英语句子改错 1、( )In primary schools there are woman teachers more than men teachers.改正: A B 2、( )The disease took away thousands of lifes.改正: A B C D3、( )I enjoy watching Englis 请你围绕“Hao do you prefer your English classes to be taught?In English only,or in both Englis...请你围绕“Hao do you prefer your English classes to be taught?In English only,or in both English and Chinese?”这个问题,写一篇英语 针灸 肿用英语怎么说?in the meantime 员工用英语有几种说法? 英语翻译In case of discrepancies between this contract and our proposal the wording of this contract shall prevail with all other provisions being made there still being valid.中文应该怎么翻译?The contract is made in four copies in Englis 英语连词成句1.learn you want well you hard should if study English .1.learn you want well you hard should if study English .2.had better we take dancing in the part .3.Frech communicate in with can he others English and .4.advised in Amy Englis 帮忙修改雅思作文一吧 这是剑桥4的TEST1 writing task1This graph illustrates the demand for electricity in England during typical days in winder and summer.And the accompanying pie chart depicts how electricity is used in a average Englis My Englis teacher often comes to school by bus的同义句My Englis teacher often comes to school( ) ( ) may i come in 的另一种说法 early in the spring有无这种说法?