
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 20:07:30


The weather is become warmer,even the polar bears come to China,too.They feigned themselves with black paint so that they could be looked like a giant panda.In order to keep the weather from warming,we advocate the life of low carbon.To walk ,by bike or choose public traffic as much as possible.Shopping with our own shopping bags.The earth belongs to the all human being.All of these trifles need to be done by ourselves.We thank you,you also can thank yourselves .Let's recover the shine of the most beautiful earth!

With the weather warmer and warmer,polar bear also come to the china.they make black paint to pretend themself which make big panda for themself.In order to prevent the globalwarmming,we advocate our ...


With the weather warmer and warmer,polar bear also come to the china.they make black paint to pretend themself which make big panda for themself.In order to prevent the globalwarmming,we advocate our live with lower carbon.Do more walking,more cycle and more taking public bus.In addition,we need prepare shopping bag by ourself.we need do those few work by ourself.we may thanks you who will pride for youself.let's do it for our most beatiful earth,renewing their nice than before.


The polar bear even come to China because of globe warming.they disguise themselves to be a big panda by black painting.to prevent the globe getting warmer,we promote that we should use lower carbon,w...


The polar bear even come to China because of globe warming.they disguise themselves to be a big panda by black painting.to prevent the globe getting warmer,we promote that we should use lower carbon,walk and by bike and by bus instead of car.provide shop bag by yourself.the globe belong to all humans.we all should do these things.we thank you,you can thank yourself.let the beautiful globe return to what it would be.



英语翻译气候变暖了,就连北极熊也来到了中国.它们用黑色的油漆伪装自己,使自己变成一只大熊猫.为了是气候不再变暖,我们提倡低碳生活.多步行、骑车或尽量选用公共交通.自备购物袋.地 原题:北极熊变瘦了!科学家说,由于污染增多,污染物进入北极熊体内使其体型缩小:全球气候变暖,海洋冰面减少,北极熊要花费更多能量捕食,这样就限制了它的生长.下列选项中与“北极熊减 为什么全球气候变暖 对北极熊的生存产生了威胁呢?暖和不是很好吗? 为什么全球气候变暖将影响北极熊的分布 全球气候变暖,北极熊还有生存的地方吗? 为什么气候变暖了 拯救北极熊现在北极熊很惨了全球变暖,那么照这样发展下去,北极熊好久灭亡? 在气候变暖中人类到底起到了多大的作用? 英语翻译这个是讲 北极熊来到了山顶 这样一个语境 《北极熊飘逝的母爱》中主要运用了什么手法来写北极熊的母爱? 本人没分了2010“守护地球”联合国气候大会在墨西哥坎昆召开,190多个国家参加了此次会议.会议就近些年来,极端天气频频出现,全球变暖,海平面上升,生态体系恶化等气候问题展开了讨论.中 气候变暖 全球变暖北极熊会灭绝吗看到了新闻北极熊被活活饿死,原因就是全球变暖,冰川融化,北极熊无法铺到海豹,活活饿死,这样下去北极熊会灭绝吗? 全球气候变暖的原因,和全球气候变暖的原因所导致的后果要简练!快的又好的就给了 全球气候变暖对天津气候影响的调整写30字的感受就行了,谢谢 气候变暖会对哪些动物有影响?气候变暖会被哪些动物有影响? 为什么?会使这些动物怎么样呢?气候变暖会 对 哪些动物有影响? 请举例说明~ 举点例子啊 比如 企鹅 北极熊 还有什么? 会有什 那个说全球气候变暖 科学家发现北极熊在吃什么东西的电影叫什么?好象是什么细菌快 低碳经济 :在全球气候变暖的背景下,以低能耗.过了这个礼拜天就没了