英语翻译生技研发中心您好 :我方有一项创新产品方案想和生技研发中心一起共同开发,这是不同於传统研发方向的创新产品方案,具有市场独占性强、产品天然对人体无副作用、治愈效果良好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:52:15

英语翻译生技研发中心您好 :我方有一项创新产品方案想和生技研发中心一起共同开发,这是不同於传统研发方向的创新产品方案,具有市场独占性强、产品天然对人体无副作用、治愈效果良好
生技研发中心您好 :

英语翻译生技研发中心您好 :我方有一项创新产品方案想和生技研发中心一起共同开发,这是不同於传统研发方向的创新产品方案,具有市场独占性强、产品天然对人体无副作用、治愈效果良好
Biotechnology R & D center hello:
We have an innovative product solutions to and Biotechnology R & D center together for common development, which is different from the traditional program innovation product development direction, the market is strong, the product of natural no side effect to human body, good effect, can cure a wide range of applications, can bringhuge cash advantage has, is now and the future consumers expect medical products.
This product for the four main market, were "the tumor, chronic disease, could not besolved an incurable disease, various occupation harm caused by pain.".
"Tumor, chronic disease, not be incurable disease" to solve these three kinds ofdisease treatment, is the most eager to find the direction of research and development, and our product plan and various other companies, find the root causes of disease of the three kinds of diseases, therefore developed for prevention,diagnosis, treatment of disease and drug related innovative products.
At present, the medical market is almost always use chemical drugs for treatment, but the treatment process on the human body produces too many side effects and poor treatment effect, let the chemical drugs in the treatment of encounter bottleneck,therefore biotech companies began to turn to alternative drug research has low toxicity to human body does not produce side effects, alternative medicine is thedevelopment trend of future, so we this innovative product solutions, absolutely cansuccessfully account for the huge market into human health products.
While various occupation injury induced pain related medical problems, but also has a huge market. In the United States as an example, the government spends $20000000000 annually for low back pain. 33% of them for medical treatment, 22% for temporary compensation, 45% for permanent disability compensation. A nationalaverage of $100 a year. Boeing Aircraft Co made a statistics, survey of workers withlow back pain after return rate, the result does not look good. Low back pain for more than six months of workers, return rate of 50%, only 25% over twelve months, twenty-four months, no one back, the loss of human resources can be seen in general.
While various occupation harm caused by pain, we also find the root causes of disease, and developed successfully cured product scheme of low back pain, the treatment method of the transient and the traditional invasive and drug therapy to relieve the pain is not needed by the patients, no side effects and can completely cure is the patients expected, so the total in this market can bring huge benefits.
Long before the chemotherapy drugs are not widely used, the traditional medicinedrugs around the world ancient history of use are derived from natural plants and animals. At the same time, according to the WHO data, all over the world use ratio of traditional medical accounted for 60~80%, even in the United States there are 1/3 people who had used alternative medicine, cancer, aids people use 1/2 of alternative medicine, and American physicians half of replacement therapy withrecommendations for patients. Europe for the traditional therapy on acceptance of a higher, more extensive use. Drug treatment and innovative therapeutics so no side effects on the human body, is the development trend in the future is really looking forward to the consumer.
When the biotechnology R & D center contact this innovative revolutionary productplan, will find this can monopolize the market products, has a considerable commercial potential, to meet the health needs of the market.
Our products are the monopoly advantage
1 products to meet market demand
This product can treat the human many urgent health problems.
2 products have a huge market
This product can cure disease range, while all the market cross foot and human health issues related to.
3 the human body does not produce side effects
The natural products research and development, in the course of treatment ofpatients with body function without any side effects, improve the therapeutic effect.
4 do not need long huge R & D time and funds.
I will transfer this all technical products, and continue to provide the required information, can save long Pang Dade research and development time and money on product research and development.
5 products exclusive strong
The tumor, chronic disease, could not be solved an incurable disease ", and to develop therapeutic products successfully find the root causes of disease, occupies amonopolistic market, leading technology, competitive advantage.
6 meet the medical future trend of Preventive Medicine
Have found that the incidence of the root cause of many illnesses on technology, can the disease early detection and early treatment, prevention and health care productsis a medical but also the future trend of consumers really look forward to.
Our sincere wish to cooperate and Biotechnology R & D Center for the developmentof this product solutions, through letters descriptions cannot make Biotechnology R & D center, a detailed understanding of the product plan, hope through face-to-facediscussion let Biotechnology R & D center more about this product scheme completerelated information, through biotechnology R & D center on this product schemeevaluation and improvement, enhance product value and competitiveness, make the product to be in line with market demand products.

英语翻译生技研发中心您好 :我方有一项创新产品方案想和生技研发中心一起共同开发,这是不同於传统研发方向的创新产品方案,具有市场独占性强、产品天然对人体无副作用、治愈效果良好 英语翻译动画系 动漫研发中心 英语翻译标题是:XX植物科技有限公司生态研发中心建设项目 英语翻译您好.非常感谢您的及时对应及答复,我方目前暂时没有问题.如有问题我这边会与您进行联系, 英语翻译您好: 研发中心 英文怎么拼只取第一个正确答案 产品研发定制中心 英文“产品研发定制中心”如何翻译产品设计研发订制中心” 为一家公司的名称 英语翻译或者您好有更好的英文结束语, 英语翻译财务中心总监室 会议室 财务中心 信息中心 信息中心总监室 洽谈室 办公室 常务副总裁室 经理室 副总裁室 多功能厅 休息室 档案室 贵宾包厢 包厢 餐厅 信息中心 研发中心 综合办 产品研发中心用英语怎么说?如题 上海上海药明康德新药研发中心怎么样? 英语翻译某公司研发楼建筑结构设计 英语翻译1.宇航员2.技术成果3.研发 英语翻译在大型国企冶金设备研发部工作,有4年研发与设计经验,熟练操作CAD,CAXA,Solidworks等设计软件,已申请一项国家发明专利,三项新型实用型专利,并在相关核心期刊发表过论文;参加完成过 英语翻译请帮忙翻译以下各词【英语】:总经理,副总经理,综合管理部,财务核算部,技术支持部,市场销售部,营销企划部,监控预警中心,战略研发中心. 创新与研发有什么区别? 高耐磨金属材料研发单位有哪些? 英语翻译研发办公室、中试实验室、研发实验室、材料室、会议室.急,