
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 12:43:58


My baby was born on May 27th,weighed 4550g,and was diagnosed a giant baby,routine blood test shew the blood-sugar level was 1.2mmol/L,no sympton of cyanosis and vellication,was sent to Maternal and Child Health Hospital immediately.
Three days after born,during the period in hospital,insulin-level was at 31,transfusing syrup was the main treatment,hormone as addition,no good result,sugar-level decrease sometimes,the lowest was 1.7.
June 19th,the baby was transfered to Shanghai Children's Hospital,syrup remained,sugar-lecel went steady in a week,during which period sugar-speed dropped.Sugar taken by mouth was added,when the sugar-speed in veins was dropped at 9mg/min/kg,blood-sugar level dropped.Sugar-speed up,then blood-sugar went up.Serum insulin was test 2 times in hospital,one is 8.1 when blood-sugar was 1.9,the other is 13.6 when the blood-sugar was 1,7.The doctor said there's possibility of pancrea swell or small cell tumor,it is recommended oral
Diazoxide treatment,beginned on July 9,20mg three times a day,sugar-speed dropped from 9mg/min/kg down to 6mg /
min / kg during the period that glucose can be maintained at 3-4mmol / L,but could not be cut down more.Add diazoxide dose to 30mg ( Baby weighed 6.38kg),blood-sugar cannot be steady,sugar-speed could only be maintained at 6mg/min/kg.Doctors recommended surgery,but now her baby has got the PICC,MRI examination has not done yet,if the check still can not find out where the pathological changes lies,part of the pancreas can only be cut.removal of 90% -95% of the pancreas,is this not too blind?

英语版 My baby was born in May 27, when the weight of 4550g, a huge children diagnosed with conventional blood glucose measurement was 1.2mmol / L, no purple
Gan, cramps and other symptoms, ...


英语版 My baby was born in May 27, when the weight of 4550g, a huge children diagnosed with conventional blood glucose measurement was 1.2mmol / L, no purple
Gan, cramps and other symptoms, that is into the local (Nanjing) City MCH Hospital neonatal hospitalization. Born three days
Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Charles City, insulin levels during the 31 sugar-based treatment to lose, plus hormone therapy, during which results are poor,
When blood sugar is still down, the minimum can be reduced to 1.7. Go to Shanghai on June 19 pediatric hospital, sugar to maintain blood glucose 1
Sunday stability, during which decreases sugar-speed, additional oral glucose, intravenous glucose rate dropped to a certain extent (9mg/min/kg) when
Blood sugar down, increase the speed of blood sugar that can come. Admission serum insulin measured twice, once when the measured blood glucose 1.9 8
.1, Once 1.7 13.6 serum glucose insulin. The doctor said there is little doubt pancreatic cell proliferation or tumor, it is recommended oral
Diazoxide treatment, beginning July 9 with oral diazoxide original 20mg three times a day, sugar-speed from 9mg/min/kg down to 6mg /
min / kg during the glucose can be maintained at 3-4mmol / L, but not again cut down the speed of sugar. Regulated after diazoxide dose from 30mg (
Baby weighed 6.38kg), unstable blood sugar, sugar-speed could only be maintained at 6mg/min/kg. Doctors recommended surgery,
But now her baby with PICC, MRI examination has not yet done, if the check still can not find out where the lesions, blind country can only be cut
, Removal of 90% -95% of the pancreas, this is not too blind?
法语版 Mon bébé est né le 27 mai, lorsque le poids de 4550g, un grand enfant diagnostiqué avec mesure de la glycémie classique a été 1,2 mmol / L, aucune pourpre
Gan, des crampes et d'autres symptômes, c'est dans le local (Nanjing) Ville Santé maternelle et infantile Hôpital d'hospitalisation néonatale. Né trois jours
Urban santé maternelle et infantile Hôpital, 31 cours de l'enquête au niveau de traitement à l'insuline à perdre à base de sucre, l'hormonothérapie plus, au cours de laquelle les résultats sont médiocres,
Lorsque la glycémie est toujours en baisse, le minimum peut être réduit à 1,7. Aller à Shanghai le 19 Juin hôpital pédiatrique, le sucre pour maintenir une glycémie
la stabilité dimanche, au cours de laquelle le sucre diminue vitesse, plus de glucose par voie orale, le taux de glucose par voie intraveineuse a diminué dans une certaine mesure (9mg/min/kg) lorsque
sucre dans le sang vers le bas, augmenter la vitesse de sucre dans le sang qui peuvent venir. sériques d'insuline admission mesurée à deux reprises, lorsque la glycémie mesurée 1,9 8
.1, 1,7 fois 13,6 insuline glucose sérique. Le médecin a dit il ya peu de doute que la prolifération des cellules du pancréas ou d'une tumeur, il est recommandé par voie orale
traitement diazoxide, début Juillet 9 avec diazoxide orale initiale de 20 mg trois fois par jour, le sucre à vitesse de 9mg/min/kg jusqu'à 6 mg /
min / kg au cours de la glycémie peut être maintenue à 3-4mmol / L, mais pas encore coupé le sucre à vitesse. Après la dose à 30 mg diazoxide (
Bébé pesait 6,38 kg), la glycémie instable, le sucre à vitesse ne pouvait être maintenu à 6mg/min/kg. Médecins a recommandé une intervention chirurgicale,
Mais maintenant, avec son bébé PICC, l'examen IRM n'a pas encore fait, si le chèque n'arrive toujours pas à savoir où les lésions, le pays aveugle ne peut être coupé
, Élimination de 90% -95% du pancréas, ce n'est pas trop aveugle?
德语版 Mein Baby war 27 Mai geboren, als der Body-Mass 4550g, Kindern diagnostiziert so groß, konventionelle Blutzuckermessung wurde 1.2mmol / L, keine lila
Gan, Krampfanfällen und anderen Symptomen, dh in die lokale (Nanjing) City Maternal and Child Health Hospital Neugeborenen Krankenhausaufenthalt. Geboren drei Tage
Mutter und Kind Gesundheit Krankenhaus, Charles City, Insulinspiegel während der 31 Zucker-basierte Behandlung zu verlieren, plus Hormontherapie, während die Ergebnisse schlecht sind,
Wenn Glukose noch nach unten, kann das Minimum auf 1,7 reduziert werden. Zur Shanghai am 19. Juni Kinderklinik, Zucker Wartungs-, Blut-Glucose-1
Sonntag Stabilität, während die Zucker-Gang Getriebe, weitere orale Glukose, intravenöse Glukose sinkt fiel zu einem gewissen Grade (9mg/min/kg), wenn
Blutzucker ab, erhöhen die Geschwindigkeit des Blutzuckers, dass kommen kann. Eintritt Serum-Insulin gemessen zweimal, einmal wenn die gemessenen Blutzuckerwerte 1,9 8
.1, Einmal 1,7 13,6 Serumglukose Insulin. Der Arzt sagte Verdacht Pankreastumor Zellproliferation oder klein, ist es empfehlenswert mündliche
Diazoxide Behandlung, Anfang Juli 9 mit oralen Diazoxid ursprünglichen 20mg dreimal täglich, Zucker-Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 9mg/min/kg 6mg /
min / kg bei der Glucose kann in 3-4mmol / L beibehalten werden, aber nicht wieder reduzieren die Geschwindigkeit der Zucker. Bis nach der Dosis auf 30 mg Diazoxid (
Baby wog 6.38kg), instabilen Blutzuckerspiegel, Zucker-Speed konnte nur 6mg/min/kg beibehalten werden. Ärzte empfohlen, Chirurgie,
Aber jetzt ihr Baby mit PICC hat MRT-Untersuchung noch nicht geschehen, wenn die Überprüfung noch nicht herausfinden können, wo die Läsionen, blind Land nur geschnitten werden können
, Entfernung von 90% -95% der Bauchspeicheldrüse, ist dies nicht zu blind?
日语版 私の赤ちゃんは5月27日时4550グラムの重さは、巨大な子供従来の血糖测定と诊断された1.2mmol / Lは、生まれたれましたが紫色
血糖値がダウンして、来ることができる血糖値の速度を向上させる。入场血清インスリンを2回、1回の测定时に测定血糖1.9 8
.1、いったん1.7 13.6血清グルコースインスリン。医师はほとんど疑いが膵臓细胞の増殖や肿疡は、それが口腔をお勧めしますだ
分は、/グルコース中3 / Lの4mmolで维持することができますが、体重、再び砂糖の速度を减らすこと。后ジアゾキシド量最大30mgをする(


My baby was born in May 27, when the weight of 4550g, a huge children diagnosed with conventional blood glucose measurement was 1.2mmol / L, no purple
Gan, cramps and other symptoms, that is into...


My baby was born in May 27, when the weight of 4550g, a huge children diagnosed with conventional blood glucose measurement was 1.2mmol / L, no purple
Gan, cramps and other symptoms, that is into the local (Nanjing) City MCH Hospital neonatal hospitalization. Born three days
Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Charles City, insulin levels during the 31 sugar-based treatment to lose, plus hormone therapy, during which results are poor,
When blood sugar is still down, the minimum can be reduced to 1.7. Go to Shanghai on June 19 pediatric hospital, sugar to maintain blood glucose 1
Sunday stability, during which decreases sugar-speed, additional oral glucose, intravenous glucose rate dropped to a certain extent (9mg/min/kg) when
Blood sugar down, increase the speed of blood sugar that can come. Admission serum insulin measured twice, once when the measured blood glucose 1.9 8
.1, Once 1.7 13.6 serum glucose insulin. The doctor said there is little doubt pancreatic cell proliferation or tumor, it is recommended oral
Diazoxide treatment, beginning July 9 with oral diazoxide original 20mg three times a day, sugar-speed from 9mg/min/kg down to 6mg /
min / kg during the glucose can be maintained at 3-4mmol / L, but not again cut down the speed of sugar. Regulated after diazoxide dose from 30mg (
Baby weighed 6.38kg), unstable blood sugar, sugar-speed could only be maintained at 6mg/min/kg. Doctors recommended surgery,
But now her baby with PICC, MRI examination has not yet done, if the check still can not find out where the lesions, blind country can only be cut
, Removal of 90% -95% of the pancreas, this is not too blind?


My baby was born on May 27, was diagnosed 4550g weight, measurement, macrosomic routine blood mmol/L for 1.2, purple
Gan, cramping, such obvious symptoms (nanjing) into the local municipa...


My baby was born on May 27, was diagnosed 4550g weight, measurement, macrosomic routine blood mmol/L for 1.2, purple
Gan, cramping, such obvious symptoms (nanjing) into the local municipal maternity and child care hospital freshman pediatric hospital treatment. Born in three days
City during maternity and child care hospital check insulin levels to lose, 31, add sugar water, hormone therapy,
Sugar is sometimes drop, minimum can drop to 1.7. On June 19 to Shanghai pediatric hospital treatment, sugar, sugar water
Week, gradually reduce sugar steady speed, additional oral glucose, vein dropped to a certain sugars (9mg/min/kg)
Blood sugar, high blood glucose can speed up. After admission were measured serum insulin twice, once was measured glucose 1.9 when
1, once. The blood serum 1.7 13.6 insulin. The doctor said the suspect or small cell hyperplasia of the pancreas, suggestion
Diazoxide treatment, July 9 diazoxide oral 20mg, three times a day, sugar from 9mg/min/quickly to 6mg/kg
Min/kg in blood sugar can maintain during the 3-4mmol/L, but can't downwards drop candy. After the hike diazoxide dose to 30mg (
The baby weight to 6.38 kg), blood sugar is still unstable, sugar speed can maintain in 6mg/min/kg. The doctor suggested surgery,
But now, baby, MRI is usm, if not the check is still cannot detect lesions, domestic only blind
90-95%, resection of the pancreas, this isn't too blind?


My baby was born in the may 27 2010,weight: 4550g, The doctor diagnosed giant baby. routine blood sugar testing is 1.2mmol/l, no obvious symptoms of cyanosis and cramp.we immediately sent it to the ne...


My baby was born in the may 27 2010,weight: 4550g, The doctor diagnosed giant baby. routine blood sugar testing is 1.2mmol/l, no obvious symptoms of cyanosis and cramp.we immediately sent it to the neonatology of Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Nan Jing China for treatment .
three days after birth ,Insulin was 31,tested in Maternal and Child Health Hospital .treatment mainly was sugar tansport ,added hormone therapy.the effect was not good .the Blood sugar was still decreasing sometimes ,Minimum can be reduced to 1.7.
we transfered to children's hospital in shang hai on 19th June ,
sugar to maintain,blood sugar was stable for one week.during which , the rate of sugar was reduced gradualy .added additional oral sugar.
when the rate of intravenous glucose was reduced by a certain extent ( 9mg/min/kg),blood sugar was down ,its up with the up of rate of sugar.
we made twice Serum insulin test, the first :it's 8.1 with blood sugar was 1.9 ,the second :it's 13.6 with blood sugar was 1.7 .doctor doubt it's Pancreatic hyperplasia or Small cell tumor exsisting ,
suggusted oral diazoxide for treatment.
from July 9 ,it started to take oral diazoxide ,at the first period of time , 20mg once , third times each day .the rate of sugar was reduced by 6mg/min/kg ,the blood sugar be maintained by 3-4mmol/l,but the rate of sugar can not be reduced any more. later, Diazoxide dose was up to 30mg ( baby's weight was 6.38kg), blood sugar is still not stable, rate of sugar only be kept by 6mg/min/kg. the doctor suggested the operation treament ,but there is PICC on my baby ,MRI test is not made yet , if this test still can not check out the Pathological changes, ,the only thing can be done is to cut 90%-95% of the Pancreas in domestic , is it too blind ?


My baby was born on 27 May, at that time, weight, diagnosed as 4550g macrosomia, regular blood glucose testing is no 1.2mmol/L purple Gan, cramps and other obvious symptoms, i.e. into the local (Nanji...


My baby was born on 27 May, at that time, weight, diagnosed as 4550g macrosomia, regular blood glucose testing is no 1.2mmol/L purple Gan, cramps and other obvious symptoms, i.e. into the local (Nanjing), maternal and child health hospital neonatal inpatient treatment. Born in three days City of maternal and child health hospital during questioning insulin treatment to lose 31, dessert, and hormone therapy, during which time efficiency Decreased blood sugar is still sometimes can be reduced to the lowest 1.7. June 19, go to Shanghai for paediatric hospital, to maintain a blood glucose syrup, The stability of worship, and gradually reduce sugar speed, amount of supplementary oral, intravenous glucose sugar downhill to a certain extent (9mg/min/kg) Blood sugar, high blood sugar that is able to speed up. Admission test serum insulin twice, once to glucose 1.9 measured 8 .1, one blood glucose 13.6 1.7 serum insulin. The doctor said suspected pancreatic hypertrophy or small cell tumor, it is recommended that oral 希望你的孩子好起来


My baby was born on May 27, was diagnosed 4550g weight, measurement, macrosomic routine blood mmol/L for 1.2, purple
Gan, cramping, such obvious symptoms (nanjing) into the local municipa...


My baby was born on May 27, was diagnosed 4550g weight, measurement, macrosomic routine blood mmol/L for 1.2, purple
Gan, cramping, such obvious symptoms (nanjing) into the local municipal maternity and child care hospital freshman pediatric hospital treatment. Born in three days
City during maternity and child care hospital check insulin levels to lose, 31, add sugar water, hormone therapy,
Sugar is sometimes drop, minimum can drop to 1.7. On June 19 to Shanghai pediatric hospital treatment, sugar, sugar water
Week, gradually reduce sugar steady speed, additional oral glucose, vein dropped to a certain sugars (9mg/min/kg)
Blood sugar, high blood glucose can speed up. After admission were measured serum insulin twice, once was measured glucose 1.9 when
1, once. The blood serum 1.7 13.6 insulin. The doctor said the suspect or small cell hyperplasia of the pancreas, suggestion
Diazoxide treatment, July 9 diazoxide oral 20mg, three times a day, sugar from 9mg/min/quickly to 6mg/kg
Min/kg in blood sugar can maintain during the 3-4mmol/L, but can't downwards drop candy. After the hike diazoxide dose to 30mg (
The baby weight to 6.38 kg), blood sugar is still unstable, sugar speed can maintain in 6mg/min/kg. The doctor suggested surgery,
But now, baby, MRI is usm, if not the check is still cannot detect lesions, domestic only blind
90-95%, resection of the pancreas, this isn't too blind?






英语翻译我的一个侄子,生下来就患有严重疾病,经医院诊治难以奏效,家人甚至打算放弃,但是其母坚决不同意,抱着一线希望想通过网络向国外求医.现在有一份其母写的求助说明信,想烦请哪位 英语翻译我的一个侄子,生下来就患有严重疾病,经医院诊治难以奏效,家人甚至打算放弃,但是其母坚决不同意,抱着一线希望想通过网络向国外求医.现在有一份其母写的求助说明信,想烦请哪位 我是舅舅的侄子,那舅舅的儿子我要叫他什么我叫他舅舅 他叫我侄子 ,然后舅舅生下来的孩子 我要叫他什么 我的侄子快一岁了.英语翻译 英语翻译生命如此短暂,以至于我生下来,刚睁开眼睛,还没有来得急看一眼世界的第一缕曙光,死亡就来临了. 我的侄子喜欢这些植物 用英语翻译 生活,就是生下来,活下去的英语翻译 英语翻译TOM成长在一个单亲家庭里,患有血癌.他病情严重快要死去了,但他想他爸妈复婚,就用他妈妈的手机给他爸爸发道歉信息,用他爸爸的手机给他妈妈发道歉信息.最后TOM的病越来越好了,他 父和母生下两个儿子,其中一个患癫痫.男父方亲属没有患癫痫的,母的哥哥患有癫痫.请问这是怎么回事? 英语翻译1.想不到身体健壮的你也会生病.2.难道你们忍心见一个小孩生下来就没有爸爸?3.千万不要上他的当.4.果然还是你厉害.5.别这么见外嘛!6.真是笑死我了!7.人工呼吸8.电击9.拉肚子 生活,就是生下来,活下去么?这个词,谁能给我一个更好的积极的解释. 患有甲基丙酸血症的婴儿可以吃深度水解奶粉吗?现在在喂蔼儿舒,刚刚生下来的时候 不知道患的是此病,给他喝的惠氏的奶粉,喝了半个小时就吐,请问可以喝那个深度水解奶粉吗? 今天那个地方地震的凶一些哦?自从我生下来我们这才地震过一回,今天是第二回,我们这的房子跨些,想问哈有没有比我们这都还严重的. 我的侄子经常把鞭炮一个一个拆开来放,请问怎样放鞭炮安全? 英语翻译直到我来到了韩国后,才发现我的妈妈对我的关怀是那么的无微不至,离开我的妈妈不到一年的时间,我就出现了严重的消化不良,每天肚子都在胀气真的很难受.但是假期回家不到一个 要是他听了我的劝告就不会犯这么严重的错误了英语翻译 人是不是生下来就不平等?有些人天生情商高,人际关系处理的很好. 我的侄子是一个很调皮的男孩子.英语怎么说