
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:47:24


When the rescuers found her, she was already dead, crushed by the collapsed house. Through all the debris, people can see her posture: both knees down, upper body forward with hands holding her body, like praying to the heaven. When the rescue team moved on to the next collapsed building, the team leader felt strange about the posture of the dead lady. He went back, checked again and shouted to his team: ”Come back, there is a baby alive under her body!” After a hard try, they carefully cleared the debris around the dead woman. Lied under her body was her well-wrapped baby, about three or four month old. Because of her mother’s protection, he was not hurt at all. He was still sleeping when he was taken out. The doctor came over to perform the routine check and found out a cell phone tucked under his blanket. He took a look at the screen, an already written message is there,“My loving baby, if you can survive, please remember I always love you.” The doctor, who is so used to seeing life and death, cried. The cell phone was passed along emotionately….