请高手用英语回答4个有关于微软办公那个Word Excel的问题!谢谢!1.What is MS Excel 2007?2.What are the command TABS in MS Excel 2007?3. What are Formulas?Functions?4.Give 5 examples of a Formulas or Function.请高手用英语回答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 06:27:53

请高手用英语回答4个有关于微软办公那个Word Excel的问题!谢谢!1.What is MS Excel 2007?2.What are the command TABS in MS Excel 2007?3. What are Formulas?Functions?4.Give 5 examples of a Formulas or Function.请高手用英语回答
请高手用英语回答4个有关于微软办公那个Word Excel的问题!谢谢!
1.What is MS Excel 2007?
2.What are the command TABS in MS Excel 2007?
3. What are Formulas?Functions?
4.Give 5 examples of a Formulas or Function.

请高手用英语回答4个有关于微软办公那个Word Excel的问题!谢谢!1.What is MS Excel 2007?2.What are the command TABS in MS Excel 2007?3. What are Formulas?Functions?4.Give 5 examples of a Formulas or Function.请高手用英语回答
1.Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program which allows one to enter numerical values or data into the rows or columns of a spreadsheet,and to use these numerical entries for such things as calculations,graphs,and statistical analysis.
2.Microsoft Excel tabs make organizing different data worksheets easy while keeping them in just one file.See how to format and manage the tabs in Excel.
3.Formulas calculate a list of numbers (or values) in a specific order.
A formula in Microsoft Excel always begins with an equal sign (=).The equal sign tells Excel that the following numbers or cells make up a formula.The general rules of mathmatics apply here in deciding the order of operation withinn a formula.
Excel calculates the formula from left to right,according to a specific order for each operator in the formula.Formulas in Microsoft Excel follow a specific syntax (or order),that includes an equal sign (=) followed by the elements to be calculated (the operands),which are separated by calculation operators (+,-,*,/...etc).Each operand can be a value that does not change (a constant value),a cell or range reference,a label,a name,or a worksheet function.You can change the order of operations by using parentheses.
4.web site address following for your refrence.

请高手用英语回答4个有关于微软办公那个Word Excel的问题!谢谢!1.What is MS Excel 2007?2.What are the command TABS in MS Excel 2007?3. What are Formulas?Functions?4.Give 5 examples of a Formulas or Function.请高手用英语回答 微软用英语怎么说 请高手帮忙翻译英文标识!在办公室中有固定办公座位和非固定办公座位(移动办公),这个非固定办公区域需要一个英文标识. 美式英语的发音有什么特点?请用英语回答,请用英语回答,至少300个单词, 紫光拼音和微软全拼那个好用?两者有何区别?机子上有微软全拼如何安装紫光拼音? 微软的”深耕计划”用英语怎么说? Why life is funny?请高手用英语回答一下,急用!请用英语作答… 请问有没有谁能帮我找400个关于文具,办公用具的英语单词 请英语高手们帮我分析一下下面几个关于交通的句子~1.取消月票.2.取消小公共汽车.3.增加大公共汽车.4.鼓励在家办公.5.将部分政府和大商场迁到4环外.6.制定车辆低速限制.7.取消高速路和快速 外国人名字中的那个点怎么打/用微软 领带中的花喜英语怎么说?有谁知道呢?请高手回答, 12个小球其中有一个是次品,不过不知道轻重,请问用天平能用三次测量的机会找出那个次品吗?这是当年微软面试的一个问题,想了很久都想不出, 轮廓度是怎么回事,还有那个基准是什么个意思? 请高手解答!如图所示,有ABC3个基准什么意思? 懂阿拉伯语的高手请赶紧进来,有个关于阿拉伯人名字的问题要请教全名是:Sayeed A. IZMIQNA想问一下,哪个是名,那个事姓,懂的请说说,最好解释一下. “举起我们手中的火炬”用英语怎么说?要请英语高手回答 努力微笑英语怎么说努力微笑 用英语怎么说.高手请进来回答下.感激不禁! 微软office办公软件Word Excel中文怎么念 请高手回答一个关于概率论与数理统计的题目,