这里有篇略文艺的文章求英语翻译The Sound of Silence是对话自己的声音,当夜幕降临时,你穿过婆娑树影,像穿过时光里自己的影子.你一步步向前,稚嫩、无知、冲动、鲁莽、任性...都被甩在了身后

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 13:52:37

这里有篇略文艺的文章求英语翻译The Sound of Silence是对话自己的声音,当夜幕降临时,你穿过婆娑树影,像穿过时光里自己的影子.你一步步向前,稚嫩、无知、冲动、鲁莽、任性...都被甩在了身后
The Sound of Silence是对话自己的声音,当夜幕降临时,你穿过婆娑树影,像穿过时光里自己的影子.你一步步向前,稚嫩、无知、冲动、鲁莽、任性...都被甩在了身后——化茧成蝶.在黑暗里寻找温暖和光明,在寂静里寻找歌声与欢笑,你转身望向一个又一个曾经的自己,那最初的梦想,最真挚的笑都哪儿去了? ...
生活,就像放手了的保龄球,可机会却只有一次,而你的人生,又能有多少个全中呢? 那些命中注定的机遇、邂逅、缘分,悄无声息地造访,从来不会问:你准备好了么? 我们没有时间准备十足地站在下一个人生路口,转弯或直行.光影随行的瞬间里,瞬息万变是唯一不变的规律,我们永远在准备着,下一个选择、决定,和下一个远方...
青春、岁月、年华,翻来覆去都觉得似乎是同一个词,随时光流逝... 定格在老相片里的青春,见证着一家人、一代人、一个家族的过往;从爱情变成亲情,被加盖钢印的那张照片起,渐渐有了三个人的全家福,满是欢声笑语... 也慢慢体会到了为人父母的良苦用心,而这一刻才察觉,日渐憔悴、步履蹒跚,站在全家福后面的他们已不再是当年牵着我们的手,教我们蹒跚学步的他们了.就像朱自清笔下,穿过铁道、爬上月台为他送橘子的爸爸,还有,那蹒跚背影下的潸然泪下... 我们每一次的远行,或许初衷和目的地不同,但每次分别,他们眼中的期盼,始终如初...

指缝中不经意间流走的岁月,是自然的轮回;就像全家福照片一样,相框里微笑的人,总是从少到多,再一个接一个的离去,最后奚奚落落到剩下孤单的一个人... 那当年青春里的欢声笑语,沾满时光的印迹;又在继续周而复始的轮回里,延续爱的光影...
ps :用词不要太高端了 能把意思表达出来就好了 希望大神帮忙翻 翻得好我尽量多给分哟

这里有篇略文艺的文章求英语翻译The Sound of Silence是对话自己的声音,当夜幕降临时,你穿过婆娑树影,像穿过时光里自己的影子.你一步步向前,稚嫩、无知、冲动、鲁莽、任性...都被甩在了身后
The Sound of Silence is the dialogue of one’s voice,when The night falls,you leaf through The trees,like The time her shadow.You step by step forward,immature,ignorance,impulsive,reckless,wilful...Have been behind - cocoon into a butterfly.Find warmth and light in the darkness,looking for singing and laughter in silence,you turned around and looked at one another once own,the original dream,where are the most sincere smile?...
Life,like let go bowling,but chance only once,and your life,and how many in all?Those destined to opportunities,meet,fate,quietly visit,never ask:“are you ready?” We don't have time to prepare to stand at the next crossroads in life,turn or go straight.Light and shadow accompanying moment,rapidly changing is the only constant rule,we will always be prepared,the next selection,decision,and under a distance...
Youth,time,years,toss and turn all feel seems to be the same word,with time goes by...Frames in the old photos of youth,the witness to the family,a generation,a family's past; From love to the family,is sealed by the seal of the picture,was in the family of three people,full of laughter...Also slowly realized the idea behind the parents,and this moment,worn,falter,standing behind the family they are no longer in those days,holding our hands,teaches us the toddler.Like zhu zi-qing,across the railway,climbed last month Taiwan send orange for his father,and the staggering figure of tears...Every time we travel,perhaps the original and destination is different,but each time,respectively,in their eyes look forward,always the same...
Fingers inadvertently run out of time,is the cycle of nature; Smile like a family photo,photo frame,from less to more,always leave one after another,finally xi ridicule fell to a person lonely...The laughter in our youth,to be stained with the imprinting of time; And continuing the cycle of reincarnation,continuation of the light and shadow of love...