
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:55:47







I believe (that) he is a man/person who never lies.

Have you ever seen a gilr who is always smiling?

His younger brother,who is two years younger than him,works in/at a big/large car company.

He won (in) this dance competition.It's hard to believe (that) he is a man/person who has never danced before.

I believe he is a never liar.
Have you ever seen a smiling girl?
His brother works in a big car company. He is two years younger than his brother.
He won the dance competition. It is hard to believe that he is a never before to skip the dance of.

I believe that he is a man will never tell a lie.
Have you ever seen a little girl always smile?
His brother work in a big car company. His brother is two years younger than he.
He won the...


I believe that he is a man will never tell a lie.
Have you ever seen a little girl always smile?
His brother work in a big car company. His brother is two years younger than he.
He won the dance competition. It is hard to believe that he is a man who has never danced before.


I believe that he is the man that nvever tells a lie.
Have you ever seen a little girl who is always smiling.

I believe he is a never liar. Have you ever seen a smiling girl? His brother works in a big car company. He is two years younger than his brother. He won the dance competition. It is hard to believe that he is a never before to skip the dance of.

英语翻译我相信他是一个永远不会说谎的人.你见过一个总是微笑的小女孩吗?他的弟弟在一个很大的汽车公司上班.他弟弟比他小两岁.他赢得了这次的跳舞比赛.很难相信他是一个之前从来没 我相信他是一个诚实的人.英语翻译! 英语翻译我要一个永远不会离弃我的人 “我相信永远永远不会凋谢”出自哪首歌谁唱的,歌词, 英语翻译他是我生活中的指明灯我相信他能永远存在在我的世界中 翻译成英文:我的眼睛不会说谎,我相信我的眼睛 “现在我只相信你是唯一一个不会骗我的人”的英语翻译. “我不会再相信大人了,永远!”请帮我用英语翻译一下 怎么用英语翻译“她相信了我,我不能辜负这份信任,永远不会” 永远不会给我打电话的人 英语翻译 一个经常对你说谎的人还能再相信他吗 英语翻译他是我们永远的伙伴 英语翻译 英语翻译词典翻译是“他是个说谎的女人”,但我觉得肯定不是,希望得到解答 英语翻译我会一直等着你 不说谎 永远爱下去最好可以很容易懂 有是正确的 一个一贯说谎的人 帮我用英语翻译一下;相信我,我们会永远在一起,我会拉着你的手到老 一个岔路口分别通向诚实国和说谎国.来了两个人,一个是诚实国的,另一个是说谎国的.诚实国永远说实话,说谎国永远说谎话.现在我要去诚实国,我想先分清他俩谁是诚实国的谁是说谎国的,需 英语翻译我永远不会放开你的手的英文翻译