
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 00:30:08

同学们就“青少年是否该吸烟”展开讨论.80%反对,理由是:危害身体健康,一旦成瘾,很难戒除,影响他人健康等;20%赞成,理由是,身处重压时,可以缓解压力,一种时尚,感觉很酷.表明自己观点,120词.开头:recently,we had a discussion about whether adolescents should smoke cigarettes.

Recently,we had a discussion about whether adolescents should smoke cigarettes.
On one hand,about 20% of the students agree that adolescents smoke cigarettes.In their opinion,smoking can help them ease their pressure when they are under heavy stress.Besides,smoking is fashionable and it feels cool to smoke in front of other peers.However,on the other hand ,about 80% object to it.They think smoking does great damage to their body; Once they are addicted to it,it ‘ll be rough to quit it.What’s more,smoking also has a harmful effect on others,non-smokers in particular.More importantly,if you are a heavy smoker,you’ll smell terrible.That’s why sometimes you find it difficult to communicate with others.
As far as I’m concerned,adolescents should not get into the bad habit of smoking.That’s because it does no good to our physical and mental health in the long term.

帮忙写一篇高二水平的英语作文,同学们就“青少年是否该吸烟”展开讨论.80%反对,理由是:危害身体健康,一旦成瘾,很难戒除,影响他人健康等;20%赞成,理由是,身处重压时,可以缓解压力,一种 大家帮忙写一篇英语作文《生命在于运动》,速速点,急需!谢谢!初中生的水平就行了! 请帮忙写一篇初一水平的英语作文 帮忙写一篇游记的英语作文,写成高一的水平,今晚急用,写得简单点也行, 高二英语考试英语作文,写一篇号召同学们保护水资源的英语作文!提出水的重要性,造成缺水的原因,保护水资源措施 写一篇的英语作文高一水平的,简洁 写一篇题目为fashion的英语作文.RT.在三分钟左右.不要太简单.高二水平.谢谢. 急求一篇高二英语作文急求一篇英语作文,要求,写一篇电影介召,120词,高二水平,水平可低不可高,周三之前高二水平啊,别c+c,c+v,就完事啊 英语作文 my hero帮忙写一篇英语作文要初三水平的hero 求英语大神帮忙写一篇英语作文4级水平的作文题目 求一篇英语作文,高二左右水平.快. 英语高手帮忙写一篇关于”Adoption 的英语作文吧.谢谢了啊、十句左右就可以了.高手们我作业啊.高手快 急求一篇英语作文 以“我的房间”为题!大哥大姐们帮我找找啊!我是女生 帮忙找一篇描写女生房间的作文 用第一人称!不需要很长 而且水平不需要很高 中等就可以! 帮忙写一篇春节英语作文,50字左右, 小学生水平. 高二水平的英语作文:中秋节. 麻烦写一篇英语作文,初中水平就够了,关于自己梦想的职业,希望帮忙写一篇围绕singer这个职业写的英语作文五六十字就够了 帮忙写一篇以阳光为话题的作文800字适合高二的 求一篇关于记叙国庆假期的英语作文(高二水平).