Course workⅠ.Read the following draft and give your answerto each of the following questions.Exchange for USD200,000.00 Mar17 ,2011At 40 days after date pay this first bill (Secondunpaid) to the order of Bank of China the sum of U S Dollars TwoHund

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 13:32:20

Course workⅠ.Read the following draft and give your answerto each of the following questions.Exchange for USD200,000.00 Mar17 ,2011At 40 days after date pay this first bill (Secondunpaid) to the order of Bank of China the sum of U S Dollars TwoHund
Course work
Ⅰ.Read the following draft and give your answerto each of the following questions.
Exchange for USD200,000.00 Mar17 ,2011
At 40 days after date pay this first bill (Secondunpaid) to the order of Bank of China the sum of U S Dollars Two
Hundred Thousand only.
To:J & B International Trading Co.For China NationalCrafts
New York
1.Who is the drawer?
2.Who isthe drawee?
3.Who isthe payee?
4.Is thisa demand draft or a time draft?
5.Is thisa solo bill or a set of bills of exchange?
6.Where isthe bill drawn?
7.When isthe bill drawn?
8.On whichdate will the bill mature?
9.Complete the following sentence with proper words according to the above bill.
The bill for ( say ) is drawn by on payable at to dated .
Ⅱ.NativeProduct Imp.& Exp.Corporation Jiangsu branch sold some goods valued GBP85,000.00 to Polar Furs LID,London.For settlement,the
exporter drew a draft on the importer on May 21,2011,asking the latter to pay
100% of the proceeds to the order of exporter 60 days after sight.According to
the instruction of the importer,the draft will be paid actually at Barclays
Bank,PLC,London.After issuance,the bill is transferred to Bank of
China,Jiangsu Branch for collection.It is then accepted on May 28,2011,and
guaranteed by Barclays bank,PLC,London
on May 29,2011.
1.Please draw a draft according to the abovematerial.
2.Please makeendorsement,acceptance,guarantee accordingly,and calculate the due date.

Course workⅠ.Read the following draft and give your answerto each of the following questions.Exchange for USD200,000.00 Mar17 ,2011At 40 days after date pay this first bill (Secondunpaid) to the order of Bank of China the sum of U S Dollars TwoHund
1)drawer:China National Crafts Imp.&Exp.Corp.
2) drawee:J & B International Trading Co.,New York
3) payee:J & B International Trading Co.,New York
4) It's a time draft.
5) It's a set of bills of exchange.
6) It's drawn in Shanghai.
7) It's drawn on Mar17 ,2011.
8) The bill will mature on Apr.26,2011.
9) The bill for USD200,000.00 ( say US Dollars Two Hundred Thousand only) is drawn by China National Crafts Imp.&Exp.Corp.Shanghai on J & B International Trading Co.,New York payable at 40 days after date to Bank of China dated Mar17 ,2011.
1) draw a draft according to the abovematerial:
Exchange for GBP85,000.00 May 21,2011
At 60 days after sight pay to the order of Bank of China,Jiangsu Branch the sum of GB Pounds Eighty Five Thousand only.
To:Polar Furs LID,For Native Product Imp.& Exp.Corporation Jiangsu
London branch
2) endorsement:Native Product Imp.& Exp.Corporation Jiangsu branch made endorsement to Bank of China,Jiangsu Branch for collection.
acceptance:Polar Furs LID,London accepted the draft on May 28,2011.
guarantee:Barclays bank,PLC,London guaranteed the draft on May 29,2011.
due date:The draft will mature on Jul 27,2011.