英语翻译Recently I was walking in town when I saw a group of school students in uniform.I was shocked to see that the girls's skirts were very short and they were wearing a lot of make-up.The boys looked very untidy.Their shirts were dirty and so

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:01:20

英语翻译Recently I was walking in town when I saw a group of school students in uniform.I was shocked to see that the girls's skirts were very short and they were wearing a lot of make-up.The boys looked very untidy.Their shirts were dirty and so
Recently I was walking in town when I saw a group of school
students in uniform.I was shocked to see that the girls's skirts were very
short and they were wearing a lot of make-up.The boys looked very untidy.Their
shirts were dirty and some of them even had their shirtfronts open.I noticed
too that some of the students had pierced ears and noses,which I don't think
should be allowed at school.
  And the other day,I was riding on the subway when I saw
some boys from a local school.I know they were from this school because they
were wearing the same uniform as my children.Instead of sitting quietly,these
boys were making a lot of noise,chewing gum in an ugly manner,and using bad
language.All the other passengers were looking at them and wondering how it was
possible for these boys not to have any self-respect(自尊).They were also giving
their school a very bad image(形象),which is shameful(羞耻的).
  I am a mother of two teenagers at this school and I am
worried that my children also behave like this and I do not know about it.Do
school students know what is allowed and what is not allowed when they are
wearing their school uniform?I think the school should be stricter with the students.(1) And I think all students should be taught how to be polite.

英语翻译Recently I was walking in town when I saw a group of school students in uniform.I was shocked to see that the girls's skirts were very short and they were wearing a lot of make-up.The boys looked very untidy.Their shirts were dirty and so

英语翻译1.What`s Love Got to Do With It 2.原文:W:I’ve got to buy a new car.M:Really?Q:What does the woman mean?选项:A) She purchased a car recently.B) She knew the car was in the lot.C) She always forgets to clean her car.D) She reall We have been having w weatherWe have been having w weather recently.So I feel great! I was in a bad mood recently!I was bored stiff 是什么 意思 英语翻译___you__busy recently I recently tired 英语翻译AOL,a web portal which was recently spun off from Time Warner... i was recently invited to dinner by a friend.during the meal “I was recently invited to dinner by a friend.”这句话是哪篇英语文章的开头? 英语翻译Most recently,I was confused by the veto China placed against the draft resolution the United Nations Security Council attempted to pass regarding the conflict in Syria now.Russia also vetoed this draft resolution; however,I do not believ Not until quite recently ___ she was quite a nice girl.A.had I known B.did I know 英语翻译(1)It happened to me recently.I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of our President.A friend was talking to agreed with me that it was ,in his word 英语翻译It happened to me recently.I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of our President.A friend was talking to agreed with me that it was ,in his words,“a I feel unhappy recently是什么意思 I feel terrible recently是什么意思 i am gaining weight recently 英语翻译M:At 7:30 in Beihai Park.W:Let's go and see it,OK?M:Good idea!Text 8W:Where were you yesterday?M:I was at home asleep.W:Asleep!I thought that you had to take an exam.M:I was sick.I had a fever.I couldn't get out of bed.W:You still look a 英语翻译Recently I was walking in town when I saw a group of school students in uniform.I was shocked to see that the girls's skirts were very short and they were wearing a lot of make-up.The boys looked very untidy.Their shirts were dirty and so 英语翻译A:Have you won a fortune in the lottery?B:no,but I got a pay rise of 5% and a hours for all the hard work I’ve put in recently.I think it was very nice for my boss to show his appreciation in that way.A; It certainly was!So,what are y