
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:29:00


Human activities in the administrative process is the main body of the executive administrative staff loyalty points to determine the purpose and methods of administration.行政忠诚作为一种能凝聚人心的道德情感,为正常行政活动的实践提供了最基础的道德条件.Chief loyalty to unify the people as a moral emotion,the normal practice of administrative activities,provide the most basic moral terms.探究古典忠诚的内涵,论述中国古代行政忠诚观念的发展历程,对指导现实行政道德观念,树立正确的行政忠诚思想,有切实可行的意义.To explore the classical meaning of loyalty discusses the ancient Chinese concept of administrative loyalty development process to guide the real administrative ethical values,a correct idea of administrative loyalty,there is practical significance.
本文对当前与行政忠诚相关的行政现象作了概述,认为行政道德失范的根本原因在于行政忠诚观念出现偏差.This article related to the current administration and administration loyal to an overview of the phenomenon that the administration is the root cause of moral anomie loyalty to the concept of administrative deviation.文中阐述了“忠”与“诚”的古典意蕴,揭示行政忠诚所指是“诚之忠,忠之诚”,陈述了古代行政忠诚观念的渊源,由原始社会的以崇拜为基础的忠诚萌芽,到孔子、孟子宣扬的君臣对等忠诚的理想化行政忠诚雏形,再经由荀子和董仲舒发展为适合封建统治者政治需要的古代行政忠诚观念.The article described the "loyalty" and "sincerity" of the classical implication,reveals the administration within the meaning of loyalty is "the sincere loyalty,loyalty and the honesty",stated the administration loyal to the ancient concept of origins,from the primitive society in order to worship based on loyalty to sprout,to Confucius,Mencius preached loyalty to the ideal monarch and officials of the administration such as loyalty to shape,and then through the development of Xunzi and Dong's political need for the feudal rulers of the ancient concept of administrative loyalty.这种单向且极具法律意味的行政忠诚观念成为了几千年封建社会士人从政的指导思想,并且对封建统治的维系起到不可或缺的作用.This one-way and the very concept of loyalty to the law mean that the administration of several thousand years of feudal society has become the guiding ideology of intellectuals in politics,and the maintenance of the feudal rule,play an essential role.作为封建统治阶级推崇的道德观念,古典行政忠诚的思想存在几个局限性,分别是论述角度的单一性、论述目的的功利性和论述基点的片面性.As the feudal ruling class admired the moral values of loyalty to the idea of classical administration There are several limitations were discussed in terms of unity,the purpose of discussion and discourse of utilitarian point of the one-sidedness.探究忠诚的渊源与行政忠诚观念的发展,目的是以古为训,从中对照现代行政忠诚延续的古代陋习,重新发现值得现代行政忠诚理论继承与发展的观点,从儒家经典学说中借鉴反思,结合现代行政工作的要求,强化忠诚理念,重塑行政忠诚的时代内涵,揭示现代行政忠诚的情感和职责,明确现代行政忠诚观念三个层次的联系,是自我发展的途径.To explore the sources of loyalty to loyalty and administrative development of the concept,the purpose is to old for the training,from which modern administrative loyalty to the continuation of the control of ancient habits and rediscover the merits of modern administrative theory of inheritance and development of loyalty to the view,from the doctrine of the Confucian classics draw on reflection,combined with of modern administrative duties as required,to strengthen loyalty to ideas,reshape administrative connotation of loyalty to reveal the emotional loyalty of modern administrative and responsibilities,clearly loyal to the concept of three levels of modern administrative contact is a means of self-development.

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