请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!请指出主语谓语兵语表语定语状语之类的.还有语态、时态、从句my lovean empty street an empty housea hole inside hearti'm all alone and the roomsare getting smalleri wonder how i wonde

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:10:16

请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!请指出主语谓语兵语表语定语状语之类的.还有语态、时态、从句my lovean empty street an empty housea hole inside hearti'm all alone and the roomsare getting smalleri wonder how i wonde
my love
an empty street an empty house
a hole inside heart
i'm all alone and the rooms
are getting smaller
i wonder how i wonder why
i wonder where they are
the days we had
the songs we sang together
and oh!my love
i'm holding on forever
reaching for a love
that seems so far
so i say a litter prayer
no my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
my love
i try to read i go to work
i'm laughing with my friends
but i can't stop to keep myself
from thinking
i wonder how i wonder why
i wonder where they are
the days we had
the songs we sang togetther
and oh!my love
i'mholding on forever
reaching for a love
that seems so far
so i say a litter prayer
no my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
to hold you in my arms
to promise my love
to tell you from my heart
you are all i'm thinking of
reaching for a love
that seems so far
so i say a litter prayer
no my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
my love
and hope my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
my love

请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!请指出主语谓语兵语表语定语状语之类的.还有语态、时态、从句my lovean empty street an empty housea hole inside hearti'm all alone and the roomsare getting smalleri wonder how i wonde
整篇基本上是 一般现在时,偶尔现在进行时.
第一句非常简单,an empty street,an empty house
a hole inside heart(位置状语)
i(主语)'m (系动词)all alone (表语)and (并列连词)the rooms (主)are getting (现在进行时实意动词系动词用法)smaller (表语).
i wonder how i wonder why 主谓宾,
i wonder where they are 主谓+宾语从句,
the days(宾语) we(主语) had (谓语)
the songs (宾语)we sang(主语) together(谓语)
and oh!
i'mholding on forever
reaching for a love
that seems so far
so i say a litter prayer
i 主语 'mholding on (谓语,现在进行时)forever (时间状语)
reaching for (谓语,现在进行时与holding并列)a love (宾语)
that (定语从句引导词修饰 love,做定于从句主语) seems (实意动词,系动词用法)so far (表语)
so (因果连词)i(主语) say (谓语)a litter prayer (宾语)
my dream will take me there
where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
my dream (主语)will take (谓语 将来时)me (宾语)there (双宾语),where the skies are blue(where 引导定于从句修饰there,there 为从句中位置状语) to see you once again(不定式做整句的目的状语),my love(同位语,实际与 you 并列,但因为是歌词所以放句尾).
翻译过来就是 我的梦想会带我去那个地方,那个天空很蓝的地方,去再见你一面,我的爱人.
overseas from coast to coast
find a place i love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again
my love
overseas from coast to coast (位置状语)
(省略了主语 I)find (谓语) a place (宾语)i love the most(第一个定语从句省略了 which,修饰 the place)
where the fields are green (第二个定语从句,修饰 the place)
to see you once again (目的状语)
my love (同位语,实际指 you)

请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!还有基本语法! 请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!请指出主语谓语兵语表语定语状语之类的.还有语态、时态、从句my lovean empty street an empty housea hole inside hearti'm all alone and the roomsare getting smalleri wonder how i wonde 请帮我分析一句英语句子(高中),What would he not have given to be able to see his mother!请帮我翻译一下并且分析一下句子的成分! atoms and molecules always were much more likely to emit light spontaneously.能不能帮我分析一下本人英语比较差,请英语大神帮我分析一下句子的成分(主谓宾,定状补)谢谢哈 请帮我看一下这句句子的成分,It is obvious that wearing uniforms makes school life monotonous.我知道这句是主语后置,that后面的句子我看不太懂,能帮我分析一下句子成分吗,还有后置的主语里可以有用动词 请帮我分析一下句子的成分:If you have any idea who its owner is,please call me . There are five pairs of shoes___________ (choose) fromchoose 为什么 请大侠帮我分析一下句子的成分 Away goes the devil when he finds the door shut against him.请帮我分析这个句子的成分,如主语等 请帮我分析一下 what do you think i am doing 的句子成分.请告诉我这个句子的句子结构,语法成分. sight matters more than hearing帮我分析一下句子缺什么成分?另外,指出句子成分 请大神帮我分析一下下面句子的结构,就是分析主谓宾,定状补成分I have decided to place an order of some books . 英语 sometimes you have to wait to ages there to see someone.请帮我分析一下句子,尤其是后面“there to see someone”是什么成分? why do the children thank their mother请帮我分析句子的成分 请帮我分析一下 定语从句He's the student who you think is worth praising.中you think的成分.请帮我彻底分析一下这个句子,关系词who在从句中充当主语,you think是什么成分?其次和He's the student whom you think to be worthy of you 请帮我分析一下句子结构.Take a deep breath and relax.就是句子哪些做主语谓语定语什么什么的.每个单词都要的,还有这是一个祈使句吧,是不是省略了主语you啊? It is the place to escape to.请帮我分析一下这个小句子的语法成分尤其to escape后面为什么接了to? London is the place to escape to.请帮我分析一下这个小句子的语法成分尤其to escape后面为什么接了to?这是主系表结构!