
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 22:50:56

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:wear your ring,give you a lifetime commitment:accompany you to the old.
2:I don't know how to describe the profound friendship,we only wish in the New Year,you can be happy.
3:every night I dream,dream will different scene awakened in the morning,and always will be.Hence,every night woke up,see the messages you have mobile phones to sleep I became the medicine.
4:when leisure,always recall the past,we have in common for you,for my good,I,I don't know,how should I have you,the life...
Dear,please remember clearly,I good love you...
5:water out,
6:I have a wish,waiting for my little angel:hope you can never happy together.

1: Wear your ring, give you a lifetime commitment: accompany you to the old .....
2:Do not know how to describe our deep friendship, only hope that you can be happy in the new year.
3: The n...


1: Wear your ring, give you a lifetime commitment: accompany you to the old .....
2:Do not know how to describe our deep friendship, only hope that you can be happy in the new year.
3: The night will be a dream, dream the different scenes, always wake up in the morning. As a result, each night when I wake up and I see if your phone has no SMS,has become to coax me to continue to sleep cure.
4: In free time, there will always recall our shared past, you are my good, for my pay, vivid, I do not know that without you, I can live .....
Dear Qing, please remember, I love you ...
5: a steady and
6: I have a wish, waiting for the little angels to help me realize: I hope that energy and you are always happy together.


英语翻译1:戴上你的戒指,许给你一生的承诺:陪你到老.2:不知道怎样来形容我们那样深厚的友情,只希望在新的一年里,你能够幸福.3:每夜都会做梦,梦到不同的场景,总是会在凌晨惊醒.于 英语翻译我对你是认真的,这就是我的决心.请相信我,我会努力给你幸福.我会等你,等你戴上这枚戒指跟我说:“我愿意” 英语翻译{给你戒指} 或者 {送你戒指} 用英文怎么翻译?类似等同意思的都可以! 一生的戒指(作者为什么顶针称为一生的戒指) 一生的戒指阅读答案 一生的戒指的阅读答案 《一生的戒指》中的顶针戴在哪个手指上做针线活的时候,母亲就戴上它,戴在那根最辛苦最忠厚的手指上.为什么称这根手指为最辛苦最忠厚的手指 你戴上帽子吧的英语 一生的戒指阅读理解⑴它不是装饰,虽然很像装饰.远远地看,在灯光或日光下,母亲的某根手指闪着光亮,那是母亲带着戒指——顶针,缝衣、补衣、绣花、纳鞋……做针线活的时候,母亲就戴上它 一生的戒指阅读理解⑴它不是装饰,虽然很像装饰.远远地看,在灯光或日光下,母亲的某根手指闪着光亮,那是母亲带着戒指——顶针,缝衣、补衣、绣花、纳鞋……做针线活的时候,母亲就戴上它 一生的戒指中仿写第8自然段的句子,再续写三个句子.(它,藏纳着密集的痛点,凝聚着慈祥的目光.)一生的戒指 请写出一个你亲身经历的感人事迹 来自星星的你为什么李载京老摸戒指 如果你愿意等!我会给你一生的承诺!用英文怎么表达急! 英语翻译与你相识是我此生最珍的缘分,与你相知是我此生最大的荣幸,与你相爱是我此生最大的幸福.我会付出我的一生.给你你要的幸福 请戴上你的帽子.翻译成英文 你也是我一生值得去珍惜的朋友,英语翻译 “用我一生换你十年的天真无邪”英语翻译~ “用我一生的时间去爱你”英语翻译?