英语猜职业(简单的)1.This person looks after you when you are flying.( )2.If something goes wrong with your pipes,wash basin or bath,you usually call for this person ( )

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:07:35

英语猜职业(简单的)1.This person looks after you when you are flying.( )2.If something goes wrong with your pipes,wash basin or bath,you usually call for this person ( )
1.This person looks after you when you are flying.( )
2.If something goes wrong with your pipes,wash basin
or bath,you usually call for this person ( )

英语猜职业(简单的)1.This person looks after you when you are flying.( )2.If something goes wrong with your pipes,wash basin or bath,you usually call for this person ( )
air hostress

空中乘务员 (空姐)air hostress
修理工 mender

空姐air hostress
修理工 mender

1.air hostess

英语猜职业(简单的)1.This person looks after you when you are flying.( )2.If something goes wrong with your pipes,wash basin or bath,you usually call for this person ( ) 关于猜职业的谜语(用英语) 职业词汇(英语) 有哪些jobs--------------jobs是职业,英语的名字,比较简单的.最好是常用的. 寻求(英语)所有职业名词寻求英语的职业名词要求:不少于十个越多越好 猜职业的谜语 用英语 最好是初一下册的unit4的职业的单词 英语里per...的意思是不是 每...per minus per metre 是不是用时注意什么 与英语有关的职业 请问这句英语表达的是什么意思?Is this per yard?How much is the wholesale cost? this dimension is correct as per drawing是什么意思?特别是里面的as per是何解? 英语中per特指什么样的词? 我最喜欢的职业是女警察.(翻译为英语) 有关职业的词汇不少于50种(英语)中英对照 用英语来描述我想成为的职业(漫画家) 英语作文(4级作文)求助.120词.1.选择职业是一个人要面对的众多难题之一.2.需要花时间去选择职业.3.选择职业时可以向多人寻求建议和帮助. 英语各种职业名称(简单)不要让我自己挑,也不要抄袭,那个刚才我查过了。 我理想的职业英语作文我的理想职业是数学老师,尽量简单点,用最简单常见的句型就够了,还有就是原因,有急用啊 订单上的英语24 pcs .per export carton .4 inner pack per box,6 pieces per inner