
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:57:27


铜出水 copper water
铜杆阀芯 copper spool
塑杆阀芯 Plastic rod spool
钢管 steel tube
钢弯接 Steel Bending Access
铜杆 brazing
铜六面平帽 Flat cap surface of copper 6
锌体锌弯接 Zinc Zinc body then bends
矮墙罩 A low wall cover
塑出锌帽 Plastic cap out of Zinc
椭圆形柄帽 Oval-shaped handle cap
25CM管子 25CM tubes
一般铜六角柄帽 General Copper Hexagonal handle cap
铜七通 Copper seven-pass
30CM管子铜出 30CM out of copper pipe
铜中间芯子 Copper intermediate wick
偏芯 core shift
28.3*12.8六角铜帽 28.3 * 12.8 Hexagon brass cap
钢弯接 Steel Bending Access
锌七通 Zn 7-pass
锌偏芯 Zinc partial core
铜中间芯子 Copper intermediate wick
铜体钢管 Copper Pipe Body
花条形软管 Flower bar hose
高义花洒 Vogel shower
铜方单孔 Copper Square hole
锌方单孔 Zinc Square Single Hole
铜菜盆 Copper Kitchen
不锈钢管 stainless steel tube
铝菜盆 Aluminum Kitchen
7子斜支架 7 sub-angle bracket
铜方厨房 Copper Square Kitchen
铜小四通 Copper Small Stone
锌小四通 Zinc Small Stone
锌弯接 Zinc Bend Access
斜支架 Angle bracket
铜元宝 Copper ingot
铜圆头单孔 Copper round hole
高义单孔 Gao Yi-hole
铜高义淋浴 Copper Vogel shower
伞形高管 Umbrella executives
不锈钢编织管 Stainless Steel Braided Hose
蛇头单孔 Smugglers hole
蛇头三联 Snakeheads triple
弯厨房 Bend Kitchen
铜大四通 Copper Big Stone
锌五通 Zinc 5-pass
锌六角帽 Zinc Hex cap
锌水位 Zinc level
铁管 iron tube iron pipe
锌六角平帽 Zinc Hexagon flat cap