
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 17:45:10


how about these days?
i quit my job last week,and just arrived XX the day before yesterday.i feel confused,i don't know what i should do,and what kind of job is suitiable for me,i conisder things as the pessimistic way,and then ,confused again...
sorry to say these to you,hope your everything is fine.

What's going on? I just resigned last week.And I arrived XX city the day before yesterday,. Do not know why, l I'm feeling specia confused recently.And I do not know what to do for the right moment,an...


What's going on? I just resigned last week.And I arrived XX city the day before yesterday,. Do not know why, l I'm feeling specia confused recently.And I do not know what to do for the right moment,and I do not know what is fit for me. I always think about pessimistic, then approached again.
I'm sorry to tell this to you,just hope that you are happy!


Recently how?
My just resigned last week, day before yesterday just arrived XX city.Why doesn't know, recently felt special confused. Suddenly did notknow oneself should make any, also did not kn...


Recently how?
My just resigned last week, day before yesterday just arrived XX city.Why doesn't know, recently felt special confused. Suddenly did notknow oneself should make any, also did not know oneself suitabllymakes any. Always very pessimistic thinks the question, then confused. The regret said these with you, hoped you cross well.


How are you doing recently?
I just resigned from my job last week, arrived in xxx city the day before yesterday. Don't know why I felt so confused these days.Suddenly have no idea what I should ...


How are you doing recently?
I just resigned from my job last week, arrived in xxx city the day before yesterday. Don't know why I felt so confused these days.Suddenly have no idea what I should do, and what is suitable for me to do.Always thinking in pessimisticl way and after make my self confused again.
Sorry to talk to you about this. Hope you are doing better.


How's everything going these days?
I just quit the job last week and arrived at XX the day before yesterday.I don't know why?I felt so confused these days.I just don't know what sould I do.Nor do ...


How's everything going these days?
I just quit the job last week and arrived at XX the day before yesterday.I don't know why?I felt so confused these days.I just don't know what sould I do.Nor do I know what is suitable for me?I always think the problems with pessimistic,and then confused.
I'm so sorry to say these to you,I hope everything goes well to you.


英语翻译近来如何?我上周刚辞职了,前天刚到XX市.最近感觉特别的迷茫.突然间不知道自己应该做什么,也不知道自己适合做什么.总是很悲观去想问题,然后又迷茫了.抱歉跟你说这些,希望你过 我刚睡醒 英语翻译 辞职一般需要经过哪些步骤?我是一个大四实习生,昨天刚跟一家比较正规的公司签了试用期的合同,我今天想辞职,一般最快几天可以办完辞职呢? 如何让正在下沉的船只停止下沉?前天我做了一艘一米长的船,接过刚下水还航行没多远,船头就碰上石头 船开始下沉,请问如何让它停止下沉? 我刚回家不久,英语翻译 怎样写辞职信?我刚到公司上班一个月,是一个很熟的朋友介绍进来的,现在由于种种原因不想做了,请教师傅怎么写辞职信? 英语翻译:上周我去了自然中心 前天我忙了一天 英语翻译 我辞职了,英文翻译 辞职信怎么写?高手写篇例文给我.我刚进公司,决定做1个月就不做了.因为家里人介绍到有更好的地方,已经像公司提出离职,要求写辞职信.4月底做的.准备做到1个月不做了.到5月底辞职. TI3信使怎么解锁猛犸和青鸟的?RT,我前天刚拿到的绿本 我刚看到外星人了, 在我刚出生的那一刻,我家正前天上方掉下一个红火球并且整个天空红了半边.请问是吉是凶?刚出生时,红了半边天,天上掉个大红火球,是凶是吉? 我的大号 一颗太阳,一颗月亮 2 颗星星.前天刚升级.应该生成3颗星星了,可是为什么还是2颗星星 英语翻译:我生病住院手术刚康复. 老鼠药如何解?前天晚上,我家的猫误食邻居闹耗子的药,惨死了.其状太过悲惨,有知道的朋友,请告诉我我的猫可能吃了什么老鼠药,应该如何救它?详情:它刚在家吃了鱼肚腹,还没吃完就跑出去 如何性交 我刚交女朋友 上周我去城里剪头发了,英语翻译