8个英语情景对话,每个2分钟主题:1,love 2,family 3,sport 4,food 5,travel 6,future 7,festival 8,friends 一共八个英语情景对话,每个两分钟,要有深度一点,语法尽量简单family还有future,NND,一个100分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 01:15:03

8个英语情景对话,每个2分钟主题:1,love 2,family 3,sport 4,food 5,travel 6,future 7,festival 8,friends 一共八个英语情景对话,每个两分钟,要有深度一点,语法尽量简单family还有future,NND,一个100分
主题:1,love 2,family 3,sport 4,food 5,travel 6,future 7,festival 8,friends 一共八个英语情景对话,每个两分钟,要有深度一点,语法尽量简单

8个英语情景对话,每个2分钟主题:1,love 2,family 3,sport 4,food 5,travel 6,future 7,festival 8,friends 一共八个英语情景对话,每个两分钟,要有深度一点,语法尽量简单family还有future,NND,一个100分
A:Even though this quesrion has been asked many times, I still ask you Do you really love me?
B:I don’t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see.
A:If the day that the earth will destroyed never comes,how is going on?
B:I will love you until I don't love you
A:You mean I just can wait ,wait for you don't love me
B:Maybe not
A:I have never asked for anything,but I just want a simple and definite love .So goodbye
A What do you think about today's TV programs?

B Well,I think they are terrible.some of the programs are too violent.

A That's exactly what I think.And besides, they're not educational enough.

B I agree.

A How do you feel about your new boss?

B She's friendly and easy-going.

A Well,I'm not sure about that.Perhaps, she's too picky sometimes.

B Yes,that's right.But except for that,I think she's nice.

A I agree with you.

B How do you like this textbook?

A It's quite interesting .

B Do you really think so? In my opinion, the texts are too long and very boring.

A I'm afraid I can't agree with you.For me,long texts are more readable.

B That's an interesting point, but don't you think long texts don't suit beginners?

A You have your point of view,and I have mine.I'm afraid I can't see any point in discussing the question any further.

A:Hello,this is David speaking.(您好,我是大卫.)
B:Hello,David!This is Peter.I have two basketball tickets for tonight.(您好,大卫!我是彼得.我有两张今天晚上的篮球票.)
B:Tonight.Would you like to come with me?(今天晚上.您愿意和我一起去看吗?)
A:I'd love to,but I have an important appointment.I'm really sorry.(我很愿意,但是我有个重要的约会.非常抱歉.)
B:That's all right.(没关系.)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)
A: What would you like to eat?
B: I'd like a hamburger with lettuce and tomato.
A: How about something to drink?
B: A Coke, please.
A: OK. I'll see if I can get waited on.
2.A: What do you want?
B: I think I'll have a piece of apple pie.
A: Do you want something to drink?
B: Coffee would be fine.
A: OK. Sit down and I'll get it.
3.A: What are you going to have?
B: I'll try a steak sandwich.
A: Can I get you anything to drink?
B: Yes, I'd like a chocolate shake.
A: That sounds good. I think I'll have the same.
4.A: What can I get you?
B: A cheeseburger and an order of french fries would be great.
A: Would you like anything to drink?
B: I feel like having a Coke.
A: That's a good idea. I think I'll join you.
c: where are we?
b: i have no idea.
d: it looks weird, why are those people flying around.
e: and they are looking at us as if we are freaks.
a(turns around to look at the old man's shop): hey guys, that old man's freaking shop is gone!
c: huh?
d: what's going on?
e: it looks like as if we are in some freaking fictional movie
d: yeah, as if we are in the future.
a: hey look at that banner, it says year 2509
b,c,d,e: what? 2509? are you kidding us?
a: nope, look at it yourself, it seems that we have travel 500 years in time.
b: how is that possible?
c: i must be dreaming
d: what the heck is happening
A: Christmas and Thanksgiving may be the most important festivals for most western people. Is the Spring Festival your most important festival?
B: Yes, it is our most important traditional festival. And besides we have the International Labor’s Day and our National Day are our other public holidays. The other two traditional Chinese festivals, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-autumn Festival are still kept, but they are not public holidays.
A: Oh yes you’ve been celebrating National Day and May Day. You used to parades every year too. How do you celebrate them now?
B: Parades were the big thing in the past. The emphasis now is to give people a week-long holiday so that they can have a really good long rest. When each May Day holiday or National Day comes, there will be a so-called “golden week” coming along which means a golden chance both for the consumers and the business and the railways. With more money in their pockets and with improved traveling conditions and facilities all round, more and more Chinese people are taking tourist trips for their holidays nowadays.
A: HI,Mary,I heard you get a heavy headache.How are you feeling today?
B:Thanks! I feel much better now!
A: U should have a good rest.
B:Yes,the doctoer asked me to lie down and relax.
A:Well,drinking more water and keeping a good mood is good for your recovey.
B: Thank you Jack, I will pay attention to it.
A:Not at all ,wish you better soon!Oh ,it's 10'clock, I have to leave now! I will pay another vist to you on Friday, ok?
B: OK,that's very kind of you! Could you give me a favour?
A:Of course
B:Can you bring me my personal computer, I really feel bored in the hospital.
A:OK,sure! I will remember.See you in Friday!

买本带磁带的书去, 反正以后都有用。

A:Even though this quesrion has been asked many times, I still ask you Do you really love me?
B:I don’t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is goin...


A:Even though this quesrion has been asked many times, I still ask you Do you really love me?
B:I don’t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see.
A:If the day that the earth will destroyed never comes,how is going on?
B:I will love you until I don't love you
A:You mean I just can wait ,wait for you don't love me
B:Maybe not
A:I have never asked for anything,but I just want a simple and definite love .So goodbye



8个英语情景对话,每个2分钟主题:1,love 2,family 3,sport 4,food 5,travel 6,future 7,festival 8,friends 一共八个英语情景对话,每个两分钟,要有深度一点,语法尽量简单family还有future,NND,一个100分 急求两个英语情景对话表演,每个几分钟左右主题:can you......what club do you want to join? 七年级英语情景对话10个对话,情景对话,不少于十句对话,2,3个人对话都可以. 关于最喜欢的食物英语情景对话2分钟左右 英语口语情景对话请各位帮忙给一个英语情景对话,难度不要太大的,时间在1-2分钟左右吧,要两个人的, 4个人的英语商务情景对话 就是类似于商务谈判啊 之类的 大概讲个2分钟 急需几篇英语口语情景对话 5.29日早上八点我就要用这些对话,5.28日我必须收到回答!可以追加30分!四、中学B组(高中)情景对话篇:(根据主题情景提示,2位选手饰演2个角色,完成对话,时间4分钟, 急求两分钟的英语情景对话我需要两至三分钟的英语情景对话. 求英语情景对话(关于自己喜欢的电影 音乐)2人对话2-3分钟 英语编对话 驾照为主题.大概2分钟的 英语3分钟左右2人对话,主题不限 求英语情景对话,乘客和空姐的对话,空姐要解释乘机规则,编1段2人对话,在1-2分钟左右, 英语口语娱乐情景对话2分钟以上 急需10分钟酒店英语情景对话希望英语高手帮忙给个英语情景剧 只要10分钟左右 关于酒店方面的~用来演的``` 求英语情景小对话两段要两段关于应聘的情景对话 每段4分钟左右 大学英语对话拜求一个 大学英语情景对话 五个人参加 大概8分钟就行了 求2人英语口语8分钟对话!要求有中文翻译 有一个主题~主题随便定 适合2个男生!够每人说4分钟的! 英语情景对话!我是大二的学生。老师让谢三个对话。话题是:校园生活、商业活动、社会问题每个两个人 每个情景长度4分钟。一定要认认真真写一下。不要随意的转载。