中译英 --- 请求帮忙翻译一句话! 谢谢!【每天深夜的吻】这个表的创意是无法用言语来表达的,每当12点来临这对情侣会在桥中相遇然后kiss~,太浪漫了!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:02:38

中译英 --- 请求帮忙翻译一句话! 谢谢!【每天深夜的吻】这个表的创意是无法用言语来表达的,每当12点来临这对情侣会在桥中相遇然后kiss~,太浪漫了!
中译英 --- 请求帮忙翻译一句话! 谢谢!

中译英 --- 请求帮忙翻译一句话! 谢谢!【每天深夜的吻】这个表的创意是无法用言语来表达的,每当12点来临这对情侣会在桥中相遇然后kiss~,太浪漫了!
[Kisses in the night ]The originality of this watch can't be express by words.When it comes to 12 o'clock,the lovers will meet at the middle of the bridge and then kiss each other,which looks very romantic.

[ in the middle of the night kisses ] the table
creativity is unable to use words to express, when 12 point when the couple met in bridge and kiss ~, so romantic!

[kisses in every late night] it can't be told how creative the clock is: the couple would kiss each other when they meet on the bridge each time when time is 12:00, how romantic!

The table is the creative can not use words to express the, whenever 12 o 'clock coming the couple will meet in bridge and kiss ~, too romantic!

the creation of idea for the watch brand of "kiss in deep night every day" can not be expressed with language.the sense--that couple of lovers will date on the bridge and kiss every 12 o'clock--is so romantic!

[ ] the table in the middle of the night kisses the creativity is unable to use words to express, when 12 point when the couple met in bridge and kiss ~, so romantic!

"Kiss of the night every day," the creative table cannot be expressed in words, whenever a 12 point comes the pair will meet in the bridge and then kiss~, were so romantic!

【Midnight Kiss】This beautiful scene envisioned is just beyond word description. At midnight, this couple will always rendezvous and kiss each other on the bridge. What a romantic expression!

【Kiss in every night】The design of the clock is incredible. Every midnight,the lovers would meet on the bridge and kiss. How romantic it is~~~

【Kiss every midnight】The creativity the watch contains is beyond words. When the watch strikes 12, a couple meet and kiss on the bridge in it.The scene is very romantic.