
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 18:59:51

【关键词】会计 职业道德 道德建设

In today's rapid economic development,the intense competition between enterprises,abundant material wealth,the larger environment,accounting personnel,lack of proper professional ethics or professional ethics are not high,values,bias,actively or passively involved in counterfeiting activities,resulting in distortion of accounting information and accounting malfeasance prevalent,accounting personnel,the level of professional ethics controversy,the proposed self-cultivation from the accounting staff,community to step up efforts in building professional ethics,and from enterprise systems and internal controls,laws and regulations and the establishment of incentive mechanisms to strengthen the accounting professional ethics building,as soon as possible so that the accounting staff accounting profession ethical issues out of the dilemma.
Accounting Professional Ethics refers to the activities to be followed in the accounting profession,and reflect the characteristics of the accounting profession,adjusting the relationship between accounting profession professional code of conduct and norms.The accounting profession as the market an important area of economic activity,it is directly related to the implementation of national policies,but also related to a variety of accounting practices and standards.Therefore,the accounting officer should have a high standard of professional ethics.In this paper,the building of professional ethics of the accounting staff make some recommendations.

Under the larger environment,with today's rapid economic development, intense competition between enterprises and abundant material wealth , accounting personnel lacks proper professional ethics or ...


Under the larger environment,with today's rapid economic development, intense competition between enterprises and abundant material wealth , accounting personnel lacks proper professional ethics or low professional ethics .On the contract,they deflect values and involve in counterfeiting activities actively or passively, which results in distortion of accounting information and accounting malfeasance prevalent, accounting personnel and involves in professional ethics controversy.We propose that self-cultivation could be issued the accounting staff,the community could make efforts to build professional ethics, and establish incentive mechanisms from enterprise systems and internal controls, laws and regulations to strengthen the accounting professional ethics so that the accounting staff accounting profession ethical issues could get out of the dilemma as soon as possible.
The accounting Professional Ethics refers to the activities followed in the accounting profession and reflect the characteristics of the accounting profession, adjusting the relationship between accounting profession professional code of conduct and norms. As an important area of economic activities and national policies, but also related to a variety of accounting practices and standards. Therefore, the accounting officer should have a high standard of professional ethics. In this paper, some recommendations on the building of professional ethics of the accounting staff will be suggested.


英语翻译在当今经济迅猛发展、各企业间激烈竞争、物质财富充裕的大环境下,会计人员缺乏应有的职业道德或职业道德不高,价值观念偏差,主动或被动参与制假,导致了会计信息失真,假账盛 论文摘要的英语翻译!急求!务必人工翻译!摘要:在当今迅猛发展的经济大潮中,贸易壁垒对国际贸易的影响越来越严重。TBT(技术性贸易壁垒)成为国际贸易中继关税和非关税壁垒之后的重 英语翻译【摘要】随着我国经济的迅猛发展,尤其是加入WTO后,对外开放的进一步扩大,国际商务谈判作为商战的序幕,已越来越频繁地出现在经济中,我国各企业和单位所面临的国际商务谈判越 英语翻译似乎没有人知道人工智能一直在迅猛发展 英语翻译摘要:随着经济全球化的发展,市场竞争已从单纯的产品、价格竞争转入到品牌竞争.当今市场已经进入了品牌时代.拥有品牌就拥有市场,品牌将是企业在激烈竞争中提高经营效益和维 英语翻译在当今旅游市场竞争日趋激烈、旅游产品层出不穷的时代,具有鲜明特色和强大吸引力的旅游产品或旅游目的地,成为了占据旅游市场和吸引客源的重要武器.随着经济的发展和来访游 英语翻译【摘要】随着科学技术的迅猛发展和经济全球化趋势的增强,世界各国经济发展面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。现代物流作为现代经济的重要组成部分,在国民经济和社会发展中发 英语翻译中小企业如何发展电子商务摘要:随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,在市场经济下企业交易逐渐趋向多元化,并且随着客观经济环境的变化,企业开展电子商务势在必行.然而,就现阶段我国 壬午经济迅猛发展 猜一航空用语 英语翻译摘要随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,在市场经济下企业交易越来越趋向于多元化,而客观经济环境的变化,使企业在开展电子商务方面势在必行.电子商务不仅仅适用于大企业,而对中小企 英语翻译当今经济全球化浪潮下越来越竞争激烈,是的几乎每一个企业都希望通过裁员来降低成本,增加效益.在经济全球一体化的进程中,企业间的竞争日趋激烈,组织的变革与创新加速,企业的 英语翻译改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了迅猛的发展,对我国国民经济的贡献率不断提高,中小企业在促进经济增长、创造就业机会、增加农民收入、转移农村富余劳动力等方面发挥越来越 英语翻译我国中小企业融资问题分析[摘要] 改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了迅猛的发展,对我国国民经济的贡献率不断提高,中小企业在促进经济增长、创造就业机会、增加农民收入、转移 求英语达人帮忙修改一篇文章,本人英文很差,弄论文,急.下面是原文和英语翻译:在当今信息技术迅猛发展,知识更替日新月异的时代,信息技术为企业的发展提供了机遇,也带来了挑战.使用传 求英语达人帮忙修改一篇文章,本人英文很差,弄论文,急.下面是原文和英语翻译:在当今信息技术迅猛发展,知识更替日新月异的时代,信息技术为企业的发展提供了机遇,也带来了挑战.使用传 在当今科学技术和经济飞速发展的社会英语怎么说 当今科技水平迅猛发展,新型汽车不断下线,某客车在水平直线公路上行驶.当今科技水平迅猛发展,新型汽车不断下线,某客车在水平直线公路上行驶,如图16所示.该客车额定功率为105kW,行驶过程 英语翻译摘要:随着经济全球化的发展,尤其是电影、娱乐、互联网、传媒产业以及各种新媒体的全球化发展,植入式广告发展迅猛,植入式营销成为企业吸引消费者注意力的一种有效的营销传