.,that is,.的用法!和一句简单中译英!用.,that is,.的时候要注意什么吗?请举个例子?翻译:只要你赢了就能救她.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:05:57

.,that is,.的用法!和一句简单中译英!用.,that is,.的时候要注意什么吗?请举个例子?翻译:只要你赢了就能救她.
.,that is,.的用法!和一句简单中译英!
用.,that is,.的时候要注意什么吗?请举个例子?

.,that is,.的用法!和一句简单中译英!用.,that is,.的时候要注意什么吗?请举个例子?翻译:只要你赢了就能救她.
前后说的事情意思要一致,且后面要比前面的更容易理解些也更详细些.I am 22,that is to say,I was born in 1975.
只要你赢了就能救她.If only you win ,you could save her.

.,that is,.的用法!和一句简单中译英!用.,that is,.的时候要注意什么吗?请举个例子?翻译:只要你赢了就能救她. 定语从句和With简单句的用法Where is that you will meet with the doctor?为什么在Where后是Is That ?我好像定语从句一直有点漏洞,哪位朋友能讲一下?讲的越深越好还有简单句,本来我都会了,可一 that is why和 this is why用法的区别 whose shirt is that中whose的用法在句中的成份及用法 句首look at that和look at 的用法 who's that?和who is that?是同样意思吗?请问’s和is在句中的用法? it is maintained that 的意思和具体用法~ something 和anything 的用法有什么区别?我记得是something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句.可是高一英文必修二上却有这样的表达:What is a fact? It is something that people? No! It is anything that can be proved. 谁能帮我分析一下下句中that的用法But now that Hizbullah is part of the government coalition that logic has broken down.第一个是now that词组吗?第二个that什么用法?尤其是第二个 that 是什么用法啊? 有没有Kindly be noticed that.这种起句用法收到一封海外的邮件,上面写着:Kindly be noticed that M.O.Q is 50MT.这样用法在商业上常见吗?是不是不合语法? THAT IS 的用法(例:Philip is a New Yorker,that is,he lives in New York.)当两句句子有何关系时用that is? 老师您好,能否简单给我讲解一下从句中that和what的用法区别, that is,what is 和which is的用法区别是什么 请你简单的写一处景物,用上一句拟人句和一句比喻句 it is high time that的用法 It is/was time that 的用法 that is because的用法没弄懂 The book that you gave me is very interesting.这句怎样改写为两句的简单句