
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:49:01


Today,a growing number of commercial advertisements jump into TV programs,which is a controversial issue.
Television advertisements have positive aspects.First,they can provide viewers with valuable information about merchandise.Second,the wide spread of TV ads may also stimulate the economy.
However,television advertisements also have negative aspects.some of these ads often interrupt interesting programs.Besides,some ads may be highly unreliable if they are motivated by profit.
In my opinion,we should keep their eyes open,like it always will face a significant loss of small inexpensive.


television advertising
Everything people eat, wear, or use is pushed at the public through
commercial advertising. Whether it is the fertilizer that the farmer
chooses to put on the veget...


television advertising
Everything people eat, wear, or use is pushed at the public through
commercial advertising. Whether it is the fertilizer that the farmer
chooses to put on the vegetables he grows, the clothing that is chosen at the department store, or the pen to write a report, it has been advertised.
Advertising occurs even in the packaging of a product. From the colors the manufacturer chooses to use on the wrapping, to the multi-million dollar expense of television, everyone is influenced by advertising. One of the most powerful forms of advertising is in the advent of television. Since its inception, advertisers have viewed television as their most powerful tool. Television provides an excellent avenue for companies to sell and promote their products. There are fewer and fewer people living today who were around when television was not. Today's generation was raised entirely on television! Since the 1940's, television has been an important
part of American life. Television is able to sell products like no other medium can. This incredible power of television comes from three specific areas: an inordinate amount of time spent in front of the television, singing dancing and cavorting together" , for the teenage ads interesting they make the ad, the more people will stay tuned to watch it. allows even animals to sell and promote their favorite foods. Morris wastelevision in order to watch the commercials because they are entertaining.
Influence of Advertising on My Life
Advertising has a large influence on my life and the lives of my friends. Advertising has an influence on the cars we drive, the clothes we wear, and the food we eat.
Advertising influences the cars my friends and I drive. The television commercials paint an unrealistic picture of how good life is once you own their product. For example, one of the commercials for Volvo implies that a person doesn't have class unless he drives a Volvo. According to the Cadillac commercial, a car can not be elegant unless it is a Cadillac. Magazine ads are very similar to television ads. Magazine ads show beautiful women and handsome men gathered around an automobile, and imply that the reader can be like the people in the ad.
Advertising has an influence on those clothes we wear. Television and magazines show hair-thin models wearing different articles of clothing. The ads for Jordache or Calvin Klein are a good example of this fact. My friends and I sometimes feel that if the clothes look good, then they must be made good. We also hope the clothes look as good on us as they did on the models.
Finally, advertising influences our eating habits. There are ads for hamburgers, hotdogs, pizzas, beer, candies, cakes, and the list keeps going. Pizza Inn gives us more of the things we like. The people at Burger King treat us right. Everyone wants to be an Oscar Mayer hot dog. Michelob wants us to put a little weekend in our week. Of course, relief is spelled Rolaids. With ads like these facing us every night who could resist?
In conclusion, I'd like to say that advertising influences the way everybody lives. The cars we drive, the clothes we wear, and the food we eat are all a result of advertising
The Power of Advertising

Advertising has an influence on everyone in one way or another, but it especially has had an influence on my children. Catchy jingles, cute slogans, and cartoon characters are all key factors that have hooked my children on certain products. Advertising influences the toys they want, the clothes they wear, and the food they eat.

Advertising influences my children's choice of toys. If a television commercial displays children laughing and playing, my children think it must be a great toy, regardless of the type. For example, my three-year-old desperately wants a skateboard for Christmas. Every time he sees a skateboard commercial, he gets excited. He believes that if he had a skateboard, he would instantly have the same fun and skill as the boys on television. He also wants a fingernail kit. He does not know what a fingernail kit is, but he likes the glitter and stickers the commercial shows. The more appealing the commercial is, the more he wants the toy.

Another influence advertising has had is on the clothes my children want to wear. Clothes from Wal-Mart and K-Mart are no longer satisfactory. Brand names such as GAP, Tommy Hilfiger, and American Eagle are much more appealing to them. My teenage daughter is constantly looking through catalogs and magazines, examining each outfit down to the last detail. She is continuously wanting to change her wardrobe to keep up with the latest fashion trends and most popular brand names. Of course, clothes endorsed by celebrities are always at the top of her shopping list.

Last, advertising influences the food my children want to eat. Cartoon characters are placed on boxes of foods such as crackers and cereal to influence young children. For instance, I was grocery shopping with my young son the other day, and he asked me if I would buy him some yogurt to have for breakfast. I reached for the cheapest brand off the shelf and was about to put it in the cart when he said, "I want the Rugrats' yogurt." I had no idea what he was talking about until he pointed to the shelf behind me. There I saw a six-pack container of yogurt with pictures of Rugrats characters on the label. I tried to convince him that the yogurt I had picked up, which happened to be a dollar cheaper, would taste the same. After arguing back and forth, I finally gave in and purchased the more expensive Rugrats yogurt. As we continued shopping, he also spotted Blues Clues applesauce, Hot Wheels fruit snacks, and CatDog cheese-crackers on the shelves and wanted me to purchase those as well. I found myself once again trying to explain to a three-year-old that all the items taste the same as the generic or store brands.

As long as companies continue to target our youth with advertising jingles, slogans, and cartoon characters, my children will continue to be influenced. The toys they want, the clothes they wear, and the food they want to eat will be determined by the product with the most advertising appeal.
Television would not be in the place it is today had it not been for commercials. Commercials not only provide a much needed break from the shows we watch, but also gives paying advertisers a chance to promote their products. With a large audience watching, businesses spend untold amounts of money to make sure their commercials are the best. The worst nightmare however for an company is for a couch potato to not look at their commercial, but instead change the channel. To remedy this advertisers strive to capture the attention of the audience as soon as possible.

If the audience does not like what they see within the first ten to fifteen seconds then most likely they will change the channel. Miller Lite "Miller Time" commercials counteract this ingeniously. The distinctive opening music create a light and humorous mood and instills curiosity in the viewer about what will happen next. The offbeat and sometimes absurd characters give the audience a well deserved laugh. For example, a man obviously dressed up as a beaver gnaws a log cabin, and then everything wooden and goes after a man holding a Miller Lite beer can. One does not think too much about the ad (for if one did he would wonder why do these commercials sometimes have nothing to do with their product?) but instead gets caught up in the comedy. The humor in these ads immediately captures their audience immediately and leaves them with a smile on their faces.

Feeling good is also what makes Burger King's commercials so attractive. The typical Burger King commercial features 60's or 70's dance music accompanied by various shots of burgers. The music, if the audience likes it, pulls them in, watching it sometimes simply for the music. That is most often the case with my brother who "shakes his groove thing" to the music while not fully realizing that the thing which motivates him is simply inanimate and unhealthy food. The implicit message the advertisers send it seems, is that if you are dancing in your seat at home, how more will you love them in person?

Attraction comes in the form of nostalgia, a more subtle and hence less used part of advertising. Chili's commercials with singing tamales on an open frontier uses music like the Burger King ads but creates a mood of nostalgia rather than one of excitement. The immediate sounds are pleasing and soothing, inviting the viewer away from the fast-paced world of the Jones' and instead into their thirty second segment to get a foretaste of Chili's restaurant.

Restaurant, fast food, or beer, all products have a limited desirability. It is the job of commercials to not only magnify their products but to do it quickly and effectively, or else short-attention span viewers will change the channel and miss out on all the fun, humor or whatever diversion advertisers bring to us.
Television advertisement takes an important part of everyday human's life. Everyday millions of people in America and the world watches Television and advertisements. Television advertisements are very common these days. They appear in public where a lot of people can hear and watch. For example, commercials tend to appear on the radio, foot ball game where a lot of people are watching, and in on television. Advertisement is seen many times especially on television. Television is the most efficient way for business industries to use to take advantage of showing advertisement.
Advertisements are mainly focused on certain groups of people. These groups of people range from kids to adults and health freaks to junkie freaks. But the most important part of advertising is to draw attention from the consumers to buy their product. The food industry has made many attempts to advertise as many different ways so they can possibly get the consumers to buy their products. Through commercials on televisions and radios, advertising in the newspapers and magazines, advertising has made it possible for most people to go in the restaurant or store and to buy their products. Advertisement contains a lot of false promise. Advertisement may contain a lot of satisfaction, happiness and exaggeration. But people tend to become subcontious with that advertisement. The viewers would often feel like he or she wants to be associated with the advertisement.


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