马上就要考雅思了写了篇大作文跪求诸位大神帮看一下,打个分吧Question:Someone maintains that collegeshould teach knowledge about future jobs,while others argue that studentsshould learn what they are interested.What is your op

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:14:19

马上就要考雅思了写了篇大作文跪求诸位大神帮看一下,打个分吧Question:Someone maintains that collegeshould teach knowledge about future jobs,while others argue that studentsshould learn what they are interested.What is your op
Question:Someone maintains that college
should teach knowledge about future jobs,while others argue that students
should learn what they are interested.What is your opinion?
Colleges are now facing the problems,for
they do not know what they should do to effectively teach the students.While some
of the people announce that college should pay attention mainly in developing
students’ interests,other citizens proclaim that universities should
concentrate on the specific knowledge about the coming jobs.However,in my
opinion promoting individual’s for their future occupation is the priority of
each college to ponder.
As college should be humanized,students’
uniqueness is supposed to be encouraged.Therefore,as one of the main derivations
of specificity,individuals’ interests should be concentrated first.Besides,
well- developed interests that individuals possessed could enormously drive the
students to conquer the obstacles they will encounter in the future due to the
supplications of interests-confidence and courage.Furthermore,interests allow
students to achieve their potential and to conduct to all-round development.These
three reasons prove the profession that universities should allow students to
learn what they are interested in.
However,the people who are in favor of
opposing arguments proclaim that the society we live today is unprecedentedly turbulent
and cruel.The amount of unemployment has soared to a high level which demonstrates
the difficulties and the risks students will face and take in the future.More and
more people have already obliged to change their dreams and interests to adapt
to the society.Therefore,college could not mainly focus on the interests of individuals,
but prior teaching specific jobs’ professional knowledge to the first place.
By considering both sides’ arguments,in my
opinion,colleges should rise and enhance individuals’ interests to their
future occupation,which could successfully allow them to be more competitive
in the future.
这个排版…… 很坑爹希望大神们不要介意,拷到word里面看吧~

马上就要考雅思了写了篇大作文跪求诸位大神帮看一下,打个分吧Question:Someone maintains that collegeshould teach knowledge about future jobs,while others argue that studentsshould learn what they are interested.What is your op
However,in myopinion这里加个逗号.
of each college to ponder.这里of改成for
These three reasons prove the profession that universities should allow students to
learn what they are interested in.建议修改后放到该段落第二句.如以there are three folds of reasons that proving why the.开头
more people have already ‘been' obliged to change加上been
but prior teaching specific jobs’ professional knowledge to the first place.这里我觉得你prior的用法不对,改成to put吧

65分吧 :)


马上就要考雅思了写了篇大作文跪求诸位大神帮看一下,打个分吧Question:Someone maintains that collegeshould teach knowledge about future jobs,while others argue that studentsshould learn what they are interested.What is your op 本人烤鸭一枚,马上就要雅思了,写了一篇大作文,希望有能力的大神给评个分, 求雅思大作文2011年2.12,2.17,2.19三场雅思大作文题目 我马上就考了不要说题目种类 我要具体题目 越具体越好 最好是大作文原题 求 9分达人雅思听力真题还原及解析 pdf和MP3 马上就要考了 企鹅 410635218 求作文!马上就要交了! 我马上就要考雅思了,大家给我点考前意见好吗?比如怎么准备? 马上考雅思了,雅思应该如何备考! 求帮忙改改雅思小作文,麻烦详细点.剑九 TEST 3.好的话有加分的,求指点马上就要考了,还没怎么准备呢,作文跪求5.5啊.着急死了.The charts clearly indicates the ages of the population of Yemen and Italy in 2000 an 有没有大神.马上就要上课了 作文:那一次,我哭了.怎么写?马上就要! 写人的作文 马上就要用了 SOS 马上要考托福了.作文还是写不好,怎么办 我马上就要第二次考雅了,之前是5分水平,问下该如何提高雅思写作? 我单词量挺低的,而且马上就要考雅思了,请问单词的问题该怎么解决呢? 马上就要去英国读高中了,还缺一份英文自述信,求大神自写一份阿 大瀑布的葬礼的文章大意马上就要用了!我现在就要写了! 急求 雅思剑8 的答案 哪位大仙可以给我发一份 邮箱jesse88111@126.com我的答案丢了,马上要考雅思了,急死我了,在此先谢谢各位了~ 压力好大 马上就要考了555555555怕怕..自豪给我几张卷子