这句话标点符号有问题吗?However,both homecooking and restaurant cooking are appropriate for people to choose,since this choice depends on people’s requirements and lifestyles.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:20:50

这句话标点符号有问题吗?However,both homecooking and restaurant cooking are appropriate for people to choose,since this choice depends on people’s requirements and lifestyles.
However,both homecooking and restaurant cooking are appropriate for people to choose,since this choice depends on people’s requirements and lifestyles.

这句话标点符号有问题吗?However,both homecooking and restaurant cooking are appropriate for people to choose,since this choice depends on people’s requirements and lifestyles.
However, both homecooking and restaurant cooking are appropriate for people to choose since this choice depends on people’s requirements and lifestyles.第二个逗号不需要,状语从句在主句后面不需要标点

这句话标点符号有问题吗?However,both homecooking and restaurant cooking are appropriate for people to choose,since this choice depends on people’s requirements and lifestyles. We were very tired,however,we felt excited.这句话有问题么 写何景?怎么写景?为何写景?是我们阅读分析散文时应注意的问题.这句话的标点符号有问题吗? 我告诉李明,下午放学后,李老师要去你家家访.这句话的标点符号有什么问题? ?··通知··· 这句话的标点符号有什么含义吗 有谁知道你说的话我连标点符号都不信这句话的出处吗 下面这句话的标点符号有错吗?我最喜欢的诗人有李白、杜甫,和白居易. 这句话标点符号有问题吗?有问题怎么改啊,谢谢了“你们—一定—要把—毒枭—抓住.”缉毒大队长断断续续地说.一定前面是破折号,后面的两个也是 请问这句话语法有问题么 或者有什么更地道的表达however symbolical the portrayal may seems at first glimpse. 标点符号中国古代有吗?标点符号的历史? 这句话的标点符号有错吗?请指出 这句话有谓语动词吗?主语是什么?However,with the sharp rise in the urban population, “今天天气真好,”我说,“有太阳.” 引号末尾可以用逗号吗 这句话对吗标点符号 明天什么时候出发 出发的时候带什么东西 这些问题你都考虑过吗 这句话应该用三个什么标点符号? 标点符号使用的问题?“世间的美好与温暖 无奈与无法挣脱的命运.”这句话“温暖”后边应该使用什么标点符号? 这几句话怎么加标点符号 英语翻译这句话中间没有任何标点符号 “谁谁告诉我”这句话的标点符号是什么